Friday 5 October 2012

Cameron, the Emperor's New Clothes


I shall remain mum on my source, but the exchange itself was funny indeed.

After Cameron's public humiliation by the hands of David Letterman, who dared to ask a British PM of the translation of Magna Carta and its meaning, and expected an answer, the Man who reigns in London made somersaults and rolled on the floor in a bout of hysterical bemusement. And who could blame him? After all, Cameron went to Eton and Oxford, supposedly had some exposure to Latin there, let alone basic English history lessons. As Cameroni himself stated, "I will need to do some homework with my son (age 11)." I can imagine who'd teach whom...

Said the man at City Hall: "I could have told them (CBS network), he'll never guesses that one right, and a guess it would have to be, with his knowledge base. I would have bet my hair he would miss, sporting a Jedward hairstyle at the Party conference if I had lost."

 Now THERE's an image to drool over! And we agreed that Cameron was lucky that the flop happened in front of a US live audience, where the vast majority would have tipped on the name of some ice cream bar behind "magna carta."

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