Saturday 15 May 2010


Taking the Eurostar is always a bit chancy, associated with some degree of suspense and doubt, "is it running or not today?" Thankfully Emily arrived last night. Had it been this morning, as originally planned, she would have been stuck in the tunnel - as before - after a false fire alarm. The last minute change of heart to come early last night was most welcome, and the wine flowed freely at Ikkyusan restaurant, for some sushi galore. Lots of reasons to celebrate too: the one-way bet all week against the euro in currency markets paid off handsomely: it was one of the best weeks ever for the employer, a nice parting present from me, eh? It means I basically will sit through the time until I actually leave in July. No more pressure to produce, I will use the time to familiarise myself with the job at hand, come September.

Tonight is museum night for us: the annual Museums at Night 2010 event, when numerous places will be open all night. Highlights for us will be the Tate Modern (10th birthday for them) and Jazz Night at the Coliseum; but all in all we intend to see nine different venues, interrupted by a seafood dinner at Leicester Square at 9PM. Next year we plan to visit the Paris venues as part of the across Europe experience of Nuit des Musées.

Have a great one, you lot!
Current Music (Spotify linked): Lorie – Ensorcelée

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