Sunday 16 May 2010


::Rubbing eyes:: Yawn, just got up... lol
Last night was a blast; delicious Spanish dinner, live music, lots of vino and fun. Shortly after midnight we went to the Tate Modern before strolling to other museums (among them Churchill's war room) until the sun came up. I fixed us a nice breakfast (eggs, ham, tomatoes and herbs) at six. Then bubbles and bubblies in bath, and we finally made it into bed around 8. We plan to be out later this evening for some more events at several museums, shopping for some giant art posters for Emily's studio. I feel like Thai food tonight, but we'll see.

Chelsea won the double last night and I was totally oblivious of their success until a few minutes ago. Well done chaps, you just underscored what has always been my opinion: Britain outside London is irrelevant.

Well, and that Special One down in Milan made also the 'double': Jose Mourinho won the Italian championship with Internazionale Milano, after winning the Italian Cup already on Wednesday. Hope they will get the 3rd prize they strive for too: beating some Hun club next week to win the Champions League too.

Busy week ahead, with lots of publications due (some will be summarised here). But for now, the fun prevails. Tara!

Current Music (Spotify enabled): Tiffany Page – Walk Away Slow

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