Saturday 3 December 2011

Merde, notre frère Jacques (Delors)!

Alzheimer's or being truly contrite about past euro sins?
Who knows what possessed former EU chief commissioner Jacques "Phuck" Delors to state in today's Daily Telegraph that "the eurozone is inherently flawed" and to express doubts it may survive in a complete reversal of his past claims while he was EU commission president.
This from a man who pushed most fervently for unqualified Greece, Portugal and Ireland to become eurozone members, who accepted the grossly corrupt fashion in which qualification criteria have been watered down and accommodated to accept the lagging economies, and whose commission was the most crooked and tainted mis-managed public body in Europe since Caligula ruled in Rome. It is most peculiar that a man of such dubious credentials feels now that he can lecture today's European leaders on how to solve the eurozone dilemma.

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