Monday 14 March 2011

[German] Green Party: Body Snatchers

I'm about to leave Rue Pierre et Marie Curie for the train station. One cannot help but feel utter sadness over the lamentable situation in Japan. Unspeakable misery and despair, utter devastation and so many victims. The annihilation of parts of Sendai will have to be added one day to the catastrophic list that started with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

One has to look to Germany to find anyone who would trivialize the sweeping calamity, and people who would use the misery for their own agenda:

BODY SNATCHERS: The German Green Party did not hesitate to exploit the death of some 10,000 Japanese victims of earthquakes and tsunami to propagate its ignorant opposition to nuclear power. The morality of the Green comrades is repulsive and appalling, and their credibility in meltdown.

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