13-minute film clip as a taster:
As silly as the movie "The Innocence of Muslims" is, it merely depicts the image of a man called in
some corners "prophet." Were he alive today, his past conduct would see him cut
to pieces by the sword in the same corners, and stoned to death in others.
Homosexual acts with under-age boys, among the many other depraved traits of the
"prophet" are well documented and archived; from Damascus to Jeddah, Amman to
Casablanca, Cairo to Khartoum - the unspeakable crimes of this "prophet" find
support only in regions that harbour and spread terrorism.
A democracy does not have to apologize for the existence of bad taste and
silliness, all covered under the freedom of speech provisions. Those who kill in
the name of their prophet must be fought and held accountable. Send in the
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