Friday, 14 September 2012

SJ: Kate and the topless pictures


Violation of privacy of the Duchess of Cambridge

The French tabloid Closer ( ) has published grainy, out-of-focus images of Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. The poor quality of the pictures is not the point. Grave, however, is the fact that a person's privacy has been deliberately, methodically and with great technical effort severely violated. In these times, such publications can have a lasting impact on the victim of such criminal intrusion, and any damages applied to must recognize the potential long-term embarrassment and humiliation for, and the public standing of, the victim.

VERDICT: Guilty as charged


Swift Justice orders the magazine to,

1. Pay £1,950,000 to the victim;

2. Pay £8,750,000 in punitive damages;

3. Cease all publications between 18 September and 21 October 2012;

4. Cease to use any Internet access in the name of, and to circulate its publication, for a period of 90 days beginning 15 September 2012.

For any violation of these directives the SJ Court sets a per diem fine of £125,000

Court dismissed!

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