Tuesday, 11 September 2012



I'm in a New York state of mind.

Nothing bad will happen today in New York. Those cowardly thuggish desert rodents who attacked eleven years ago are long gone, and their psychopathic missions won't be repeated in a place now well prepared to foil attempts, and to strike back. Sociopath fanatics, all from regions indoctrinated with a fire-brand perversion of Islam, are only after the innocent, the unsuspecting, the unaware, the defenseless. Today New Yorkers are too prepared.

I'm in a New York state of mind. Commemoration is so much easier now, knowing that the chieftain of "Massmurder & Co" had his head cut in two by bullets from some US Navy Seals last year.

I'm in a New York state of mind. Thinking of the many victims of most dreadful deaths or trauma, and standing ready to defend our values against the purveyors of terror and mayhem from the familiar origins. This is the mindset for somber reflection; the dignity of every single victim manifold larger than the cretinous perception of victory of the obtuse perpetrators.

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