Friday, 28 January 2011

Egypt: Advice from US not needed

Le Débat du Jour
Sec of State Clinton should be very careful in her support for violent demonstrators who want to overthrow Egypt's president; she might get more than she bargains for, namely a pro-Iranian regime under a staunchly anti-Western radical, 69-year old senile Mohamad El-Baradei, who has defended and advocated the Iranian ambitions to obtain nuclear weapons as recently as last year.

Dildo versus Dickheads:
One demonstrator, scared Chicago police in a huddle of fear and paranoia

Also, advice from the US is highly inappropriate: if the same demonstrations took place in Washington, Chicago or Los Angeles, a bloodbath by the hands of the respective  police would ensue.

Current Music: ANI DIFRANCO - Self Evident (CD: "Carnegie Hall 4.6.02")

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