The Conservative-led government betrays once again a 'red line':
Sending more than $12 billion to Dublin, and to bolster the eurozone without being a member, is a travesty. For decades Ireland bragged as an economic role model, financed with more than $46 billion from Brussels over a period of 15 years, which the EU agreed to transfer to Dublin to coerce the half of the island into the eurozone.
The word of Irish politicians is worth nothing. On Saturday the government affirmed that it will not seek help from the eurozone. On Sunday they crawled on their knees and begged for $128 billion. To assist Ireland would not be so disgusting if it coincided with the transfers of powers from Dublin to London. It is obvious that the Irish cannot - and must not be allowed - to govern themselves. It is repulsive to think that Britain needs to borrow funds at 4.5% and will lend to Ireland at a rate of 2.75% p.a.
It would only be balancing the immorality of the past to give development aid to Ireland now on the condition that it leaves the eurozone.
This article constitutes the termination of my support for Prime Minister Cameron.
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