Friday, 5 November 2010

For Fawkes' Sake

Tonight is bonfire night, and chances that the House of Parliament will come under renewed subterranean attack are slim. Since Labour was chased out of the halls of power in London things have calmed down considerably, and the hands-on approach for serious reforms and productive work under Tory leadership begins to take hold. The world embraces the Conservative-led cabinet: LSE traded shares are at a 2-year high, and Sterling enjoys an ascent from the Labour lows against the dollar ($1.62 as of late, from 1.44 when Labour was doomed by the electorate).

Nevertheless, this is Guy Fawkes Day, and - thanks to our Mayor - the much trumpeted strike by London's firemen has been called off; just in the nick of time before we had gone up in smoke here. Besides our stroll along the embankment to watch the fireworks, and heading to a Camden party at midnight, we'll limit our conspiratory ambitions to fixing Gunpowder Tea from Twinings; no implied pun nor commercial pull intended. I wonder how the Royals feel tonight, trying to remember, remember...

For those who like to learn more about the plot to kill  summarily King and Parliament from the comfort of their armchair, here's the link to a fun game to blow up the Commons as often as you wish (if you fail to answer questions correctly):

Want to click and fire off fireworks yourself?

Have a safe one everybody!

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