Wednesday, 19 May 2010

The Specter of Old Age

Voters Crucify Republican Democrat Senator:
Specter Loses in Pennsylvania Democratic Primary
80-year old Sen Arlen Specter's 30 year career as sleepwalker in the halls of the US Senate have come to an end. The disgusting old man has lost the Democratic Party's primary yesterday despite - or because - of the explicit support from US President Muhammad Obama.

For three decades the senile Specter has occupied the Republican seat for Pennsylvania in the US Senate without causing much attention or note-worthy achievement there. It was an act of infamy that pushed Arlen into the spotlight last year:

Faced with inevitable defeat in this year's mid-term elections in November, Arlen decided that it was time to abandon the Republican Party after 52 years of membership and switch over to the Democrats. After lengthy and secret horse-trading with the Democratic leadership, orchestrated by the Obama White House, Mr Specter was assured full backing for this year's election in exchange of providing the Democrats with the crucial 60th Senate seat. With the 60-40 majority in the Senate the Democrats hoped to stop any fillibuster effort by Republicans to stall new legislation.

The plot failed for both sides, I am happy to say. Voters have been disgusted for too long with the pork-belly bullshit trades in government and use any opportunity to tell those in power. The Democrats lost another Senate seat late last year to fall back below the 60-seat threshold. And the stupid traitor has now lost the right to even stand for re-election in November.

It beats me why some 80-year old fart believes in his deluded arrogance that he can still serve the people and bring indispensible talent and coherence into the political arena. Whatever next, Arlen? Wanna run for president? Oh wait, you lost that race already twice before too. Just die, already!

Vote to End Senate Debate on
Financial Regulation Bill Falls Short

Republicans have succeeded in blocking a final Senate vote on a massive financial regulation bill. The vote was 57-42 to cut off debate and move toward final passage; Democrats needed 60 votes to accomplish that.

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