Friday, 21 May 2010

Buffoona Buffoona, Jacob Zuma!

SA President: "Behave, just for four weeks!"

"President" Jacob Zuma implored yesterday South Africans to "be good" - at least for the duration of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. "In this time, we need good South Africans. Let them, just for four weeks, be good. Just for four weeks," he said at a women's prayer meeting at Zamdela Stadium in Sasolburg.
"When you are faced with a challenge, you must rise up to the occasion. This tournament calls for us to rise to the occasion as South Africans."

He called on citizens to welcome international visitors, expected to stream into the country, with open arms (and he did not mean machine guns, grenades, axes, knives, ropes, burning tyres, hammers, spears, etc). "Let us forget our own problems for a moment [sweep them under the rug and keep ou heads in the sand] and make other people at home in our country."

Zuma thanked the Free State for setting an example for the country, and said "it was indeed a prayer for the country". Indeed, only devine intervention can save us from ANC rule. Bless!

Among a loud cacophony of vuvuzelas from the crowd, Zuma blew on his own white vuvuzela before he was showered with gifts – some of which he had to give to the national soccer squad, others to his four (known) wives. Zuma accepted a large hand-drawn card from the Zamdela Ministers' Association to present to Bafana Bafana, and they also gave him a shield and spear (Buffoona, Buffoona, open arms, eh?).

Earlier Free State Premier Ace Magashule was welcomed with Afrikaans cheers. The crowd was led by a master of ceremonies who shouted over the PA system: Haak Vrystaat, haak, (Go Free State, go) to which the crowd responded repeatedly in unison "Haak". The phrase was made popular by Afrikaans entertainer Leon Schuster in the 1980s through his popular rugby song Haak Vrystaat, haak.

Like Zuma, Magashule was ushered into the stadium by a large group of bodyguards wearing scarves in the colours of the South African flag. People danced and waved South African and ANC flags (!), while blowing vuvuzelas. The crowd, from mainly Free State churches of all denominations, shouted "Halala, Bafana Bafana, halala" and "Good luck, Bafana Bafana”. Hail Hail, Buffoona Buffoona!

Current Music (Spotify enhanced): Greyhound – Black And White


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