Sunday, 29 November 2009


It's a lazy and slow-on-news Sunday, time to reflect on the past week in Anglochat, which I thankfully did not have to endure live. The week was clearly under the impression of America's biggest holiday to observe for families. Not surprisingly, those who trumpet the loudest of their superior quality as chiefly brooding clucks of the homes have all assembled around the turkey and shared their kind spirit in: Anglochat!

For the occasion they dressed in their worst rags, didn't shower all week and sported disgustingly foul breath to indulge in what they can do best. Wishing death upon others, best in an excruciating way, in the name of the Lord, the self-righteous chavs heaped insults and threats on unsuspecting chatroom members. Despite their criminal past and numerous stays in jail, or facing justice soon, the more or less indigenous wenches in the US filed into the UK chatroom one by one to spout what they don't dare to croak in their own dilapidated homes. No matter that a Brandi620 committed what can be best described as culpable homicide, and lives in a place paid for by the proceeds from a hastily - but timely - obtained life insurance which she consumated after her offspring's pre-designed demise, she still feels privy to invoke karma when she expressed her delight over some other member's fight against cancer. If that ailing victim is under karma, what would unfortunate Robert's fate be in that context? Or in other words, what atrocity has Brandi620 committed to be hit by karma like that? Unless she sees the windfall proceeds from the death of a child as a blessing?

The most miserable character on that Thanksgiving evening though was CarrCarter, a deranged career criminal, in and out of jail, holding cells and drug rehab centres. Naturally also a self-described role model mother, proudly defending a record of what normal people would perceive as child abuse and neglect. Included in this week's Jerry Springer substitution are the known regulars among the moronic, yet vocal and condescending brood of outcast wenches such as KKendrinUK, AmandaDT, HeressChristie (usually the room's resident psychopath), Loveinamist31 and LadyDouglas.

On with the show of the insane. Even though anyone normal will find the contained banter outrageous, obscene and disturbing:
AmandaDT: [deleted *], i actually hope with my heart you do not have cancer
carrcarter39: i do amanda
carrcarter39: i hope she has it
AmandaDT: because i dont think you have the strength inside it take to fight the horrible disease
carrcarter39: i hope its uncurable
Thistles1234: haha Carrie INcurable too
Thistles1234: lol
carrcarter39: lol incurable..ty thist
carrcarter39: typitis is awful
Thistles1234: well both
Thistles1234: lol
carrcarter39: lol
Thistles1234: it is inFESTagated
Brandi620: lol thist
AmandaDT: where the heck is vicks and ali?
carrcarter39: cuz i dont give a flying squirrels butt if she died
AmandaDT: im lookin for loveinamist31 on the list lmao im off
carrcarter39: the world would be a better place
Thistles1234: ... wonderful end to a thanksgiving!!!
Brandi620: carries never lost it yet, not now not evah
carrcarter39: i'm not losing it...i'm in total control....tyvm....i'm expressing my feelings regarding the selfish pig...
Brandi620: lololol
Brandi620:  is creased
carrcarter39: cuz i know i'm going to hell......but i want her there first.....
carrcarter39: lol
Brandi620: shes alredy there carrie
Brandi620: looooooooooooooong before any of us get there
Brandi620: amen sister xxxxxx
carrcarter39: lol....
AmandaDT: hey carrie
AmandaDT: where did vicks go?
carrcarter39: shes still online......she left a smiley face and left the room
Loveinamist30: see TT still telling her lies and encouraging her
carrcarter39: uh huh
AmandaDT: seriously all joking aside as fun as it is to vocalize how stupid she is at the end of the day ya gotta feel bad for her really
Brandi620: i do mand but i feel sorier for her children to be honest
Loveinamist30: I do Amanda
AmandaDT: i eman ya wouldn't wee wee on her if she was on fire but,...... you do feel abd for her
AmandaDT: are we supposed to feel bad for her because she might have cancer
Loveinamist30: but I feel sad her 'friends' dont advise her like I advise mine
Brandi620: yeah exactly ... this is karma at its best mand
AmandaDT: i wouldn't wish cancer on any one at all!!! but i wont have sympathy for people like her
Brandi620: an gawd IS big .... an what goes around comes around
Brandi620: this is your payback from gawd himself
AmandaDT: god does not give cancer bren
AmandaDT: he gives the strength to get through it
Brandi620: karma does mand
AmandaDT: oh karmas a biatch lol
carrcarter39: lol ellie yes i am an addict....but i can change that status.....u cant change that ur ugly..inside....
AmandaDT: ellie, i actually hope with my heart you do not have cancer
AmandaDT: i got to wake the crew in an hour
Brandi620: an of course we believe the lies he spouts too right girls ???lol
Brandi620: as if ......
carrcarter39: lord people that cant spell get on my last nerve
carrcarter39: i can accommidate that
carrcarter39: u dont have'm far to intelligent not to know who u mean
carrcarter39: u just keep it up about vicki and MY friends......and it wont be so nice for you ...i promise
LadyDouglas57: actually,carr is very bright!

[deleted *]: Carol but the fact she put drugs before her kids makes her dumb
LadyDouglas57: why bring drugs .....and past,into what is going on now? that is a low blow
carrcarter39: its all she has....carol.......
[deleted *]: and as a mum she has recently been in court
[deleted *]: what sort of role model is she
LadyDouglas57: now your into things in her past that she has worked hard to overcome
[deleted *]: and she was in court how many weeks ago
carrcarter39: i got court on Monday
carrcarter39: lol
[deleted *]: she turned it on me
LadyDouglas57: welll the courts work slow.....
[deleted *]: yeah

*) names known to the editors


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