Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Brown-Out /2

Amazing. After listening and seeing the griefing mother, who received a surprise telephone call from the prime minister on Sunday, I have one good piece of advice for Mrs Janes: Shut the fuck up, already!

When she received the call she quickly pushed the tape recorder (for which she should be put on trial) and recorded the whole conversation. After that she had the presence of mind to pick the newspaper most hostile to Gordon Brown (The Sun, which should also be prosecuted) and to hand over the tape.

Griefing mothers are usually irrational and in a most unflattering state of temporary insanity. She should have remained obscure and hidden. Her interview today on SKY made her look like a vengeful, hateful and spitefully hissing cobra. This is the first instance in 12 years that I show sympathy for Gordon Brown. Her son - if given the chance - would be ashamed of his mother today.

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