Sunday, 20 May 2012

Austrian Nazi Revisited

The National-Socialist defence minister of Alpine Ostriche fired off yet another Nazi rant, lamenting over his problems with the Israeli Government and calling the Foreign Minister Lieberman as "unbearable" - revoking memories of Joseph Goebbels who recited about the "unbearable Jewery in the world."

The Vienna-based Darabos should be sacked from the government, unlike the Ostrichienne regime wants to be seen in the ideological vicinity of hate-spewing Nazi swines. Based on past tirades against Israel from mainly NS-SPOe officials over the years, many of whom had been proud NSDAP members, the chances for a dismissal of the thug appears unlikely, however.

Darabos pleaded that Israel should stop its defence preparations in the wake of a nuclear armed Iran and let sanctions work. A defenceless and ultimately annihilated Israel would please Darabos more than the prospect of armed conflict to force Iran to abandon its clandestine nuclear bomb programme.

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