Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Unearthing the ghost of the past

Invoking the Nazi past with relevant diatribes is not limited to Austrian parliamentarians. A French Socialist MP caused an uproar in the French parliament yesterday, and an exodus of the ruling party UMP and the cabinet of Premier Fillon.


On Saturday Interior Minister Claude Guent made this indisputably factual statement:"Contrary to what the left's relativist ideology says, for us all civilizations are not of equal value: Those which defend liberty, equality and fraternity seem to us superior to those which accept tyranny, the subservience of women, social and ethnic hatred."

The statement, which accurately depicts the image of most Arab nations, provoked the socialist MP Serge Letchimy to this irrational tirade: ""You, Mr. Gueant... you bring us back day after day to those European ideologies which gave birth to the concentration camps. Mr. Gueant, the Nazi regime, which was so worried about purity, was that a civilization?"
Peculiar that a defender of the pervert ideologies of Arab countries would sink so low and become paranoid over Nazi ideologies that Arab nations are mostly sympathizers of!

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