Saturday, 26 November 2011

SWIFT JUSTICE: The Pope and Traffic

SWIFT JUSTICE: From time to time I pass judgment on prolific legal cases. The latest is the case of a German who filed a complaint against Pope Benedict. The reason? During last year's visit to Germany the pope did not use safety belts when he crossed towns in the "Popemobil."

After careful deliberations I have come to the conclusion that the Pope is exempt from traffic laws and enjoys diplomatic immunity. The complaint is therefore frivolous and will result in sanctions against the German complainant. I therefore sentence the civilian for abuse of the legal system and waste of state resources to

a) 20 lashes;
b) a fine of $3,000.00;
c) a psychiatric evaluation;
c) a suspended sentence of 30 days in jail;
d) 50 hours of communal work, to be served at the discretion of the Roman Catholic Church; and
e) 30 Our Father and Holy Mary prayers, audible to 5 court appointed witnesses.


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