Sunday, 11 September 2011


I'm in a New York state of mind. Nothing bad will happen today in New York. Those cowardly thuggish desert rodents who attacked ten years ago are gone, and their psychopath missions won't be repeated in a place prepared to strike back. They are only after the innocent, the unsuspecting, the unaware, the defenseless. Today New Yorkers are too prepared. I'm in a New York state of mind.

Commemorating is so much easier this year, knowing that the chieftain of Massmurder &Co cannot enjoy the amenities of a European prison cell under the auspices of a International Court Of Justice in Holland, hot showers and Cable TV included, but had his head recently cut in two by bullets from some US law enforcement.

Yeah, I'm in a New York state of mind.
Current Music: CARMEN McRAE  -  New York State of Mind

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