We'll be off to Somerset House (Ai Wei Wei), the Tate (more Wei Wei), The Barbican and finally the Trader Vic's (food, drinks and music and company) today. Interrupted by a Starbucks Happy Hour because we love their Frappuccino and it's half price. Not that we want to be thrifty, but to drink twice as many as usual.
We will miss this atrocity against culture and good taste: the Eurovision "Song" Contest.
I just don't get it: in a frenzy of self-flagellation and masochism, Europeans will watch the Eurovision tonight, a pathetic and shitty event that - despite its redundancy - still puts the EU to shame! For, the Eurovision allows people more democratic rights than the EU and the eurozone. (Elected) European leaders and (unelected) commissioners & their underlings, must feel shame and embarrassment that the world's shittiest entitity, the Eurovision fan community - exercises more profoundly civil rights than citizens of the EU will ever enjoy. Sad shit, that!
Current Music: LAND OF TALK - Summer Special
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