Friday, 11 February 2011

Egypt: Another humiliation for US

Pants down, exposed in all its ineptitude and incompetence, humiliated and embarrassed - this is the best way to describe President Barack Muhamad Obama and his 'administration' this morning after their cardinal mistakes in prematurely announcing the departure of an Egyptian Pharao.
Jimmy Durante stand-in Piñata, Chief Idiot At Central Intelligence Agency (CIA-CIA)

"In a few hours we will witness history unfolding," Obama lectured a curious crowd of cronies, in expectation of the total collapse of the Egyptian government. He was seconded by CIA chief Leon "Cia-Cia" Panetta who gave a solemn sermon to a Congressional committee, "explaining" to anyone who bothered to listen to the buffoon that "in a few hours the president will be gone." By saying so he degraded the intelligence gathering agency with a budget of $83 billion annually to somewhat between the Girl Scouts of America and National Geographic. It also proves that an organization of intelligence can be run by a pathological idiot in America.

On a more serious note: Le Weekend is ante portas, and my ritualistic trip to St Pancras to pick up She, who needs to be obeyed to [yeah, right, slap] and to keep the telly off for 3 days.
Have a great one too, folks!

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