Monday, 18 October 2010

More 'bendies' replaced

One of the most annoying forms of mass transportation in London is the "Bendy-Bus."
The Mayor pledged to get rid of the monsters by the time of re-election. Route 149 is the fourth line to see the 'bendies' withdrawn, and the plan is to have all replaced with double-decker buses by November 2011.

The bendies are only popular with chavvy fare evaders, usually on lines serving the London ghettos. Once you board a bendy you are being thrown around while the bus is in motion, so poorly is the bus built (Made in Britain). To phase out the dangerous creatures will save the City nearly £2 million a year. These monstrous vehicles also have become a grave danger to roller-bladers (...), cyclists and pedestrians, either by snapping around the victims or hitting people with the swerving rear end in a fashion similar to a body check from ice-hockey cracks.

It is also estimated that moving from having bendy buses with open boarding to double-deck buses will save £550,000 a year from fare evasion on the busy route. The Mayor addressed the slum rodents that make it into the City: "The fare evaders who duck and dive their way around these hulking great monsters without fear of having to put their hand in their pocket are finding that on our replacement double-deck buses there is nowhere to hide."

Boris Johnson added: "These monoliths of the road were never appropriate for the narrow streets of London and I'm delighted we've now sent over 100 of them packing."

Good riddance, bravo BJ!

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