Friday, 10 September 2010

On the eve of destruction

It is the eve of commemorating the monstrosity of 9-11-2001.

Spoiling the purity of honouring the many victims of Islamist terrorism is a little obscure man who leads a small sect of 15 members which only in the US would be recognised as a church.

The little hate-mongering man intends to burn copies of the Koran, in a rather idiotic and irrational demonstration of inarticulate protest over plans to build a mosque at the site of the 9-11 atrocity.

I am disappointed that neither President Obama nor his cabinet and military leaders cannot condemn outright this vitriolic act by an obscure buffoon in sunny Florida. They should not be concerned about the publicity fiasco and the heightened danger to US servicemen abroad, but chastise the act of a dimwitted renegade anarchist, a criminal by intent, a self-described pastor of the Christian Right, as an outrageously wrong and sinister and vile act. Not the least because it soils and tramples on the respect we pay to the many victims of 9-11.

I oppose the erection of the mosque in New York, but I also deny that the intended criminal act by a Florida pastor to be a legitimate form of protest. It is immoral and blasphemic, and a collective insult of 1.5 Billion people who chose Islam as their vocation for redemption.

As an agnostic I find any violent act in the name of a god a very earthly criminal offence. Burning books invokes memories of a dictatorial regime that started burning books and ended up burning people. I expect representatives of the US to apprehend and neutralise now this miserable cretin in sunny Florida.  

Posted via Blackberry

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