Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Anglo splinters

Nothing has changed in AOL's Anglochat, according to our correspondents. The noxious fumes from the Crusty crack in the fiefdom of cyber-chavdom leave their skid marks all over the world, nauseating all of civility and decency. Main contributing factors (AOL scream names) remain the vilest of the slime, such as Crustylake63, Carrcrater, Loveinapiss30, the ever appalling Brandi620 (a retired East London/ Long Island prostitute), paedophiles LameDucks and Kevinbernhard, beached Yorkshire whale KKend4095 and - from deep inside Crusty's crater - the rumbling layer of lardy tissues, negroid fatso eviyavol.

Anglochat's periodical eruptions send toxic fumes sky-high, often hampering global internet users and alerting authorities to stop the carnage.

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