Thursday, 29 April 2010

After the final debate...

It was the best of three TV debates, covering mainly the economy, immigration and education. A prime minister who denies 13 years of failure (but could not run away from that dismal record), a completely clueless and incompetence laden LibDem leader Clegg (among the hair-raising nonsense he promotes is a sweeping amnesty of 700,000+ illegal immigrants - "because they pay taxes here" -  - as if illegals can get legal jobs that require to pay taxes!!) and a hard hitting David Cameron, who rose to the occasion and won this debate by miles.

On points made and argued, I kept a score card that shows:
David Cameron: 49 points
Gordon Brown: 16 points
Nickolas Clegg: 3 points

FIFA's Whites vs South Africa's Blacks

FIFA's Top Supremacist Forced ANC Leaders
to Bankroll  Whites' WC2010 Pet Projects
Sepp Blatter in the footsteps of Albert Speer

Megalomania is an engrained birth defect of Germanic tribes, and it is of little surprise that FIFA 'president' Seppl Blatter - whose close links to neo-nazi hoodlums in Augsburg and Dresden are legendary - strived hard to realise his white supremacist dreams with projects that could have sprung from the drawing pen of Nazi architect Albert Speer. Sadly, South Africans will have to foot the ZAR 13 billion bill, repayable at annual interest rate of 7% over the next 20 - 25 years to mainly Swiss and German creditors. It makes the FIFA inspired project of neo-colonialism the biggest financial scandal on the African continent in history.

A new book by two (white) South Africans sheds light on the case of the Green point stadium in Cape Town, the tip of the iceberg in the scandal. Journalists Karen Schoonbee and Stefaans Brummer, in a hard-hitting and in-depth new book, examine the pompous monument of Blatter's megalomaniac traits, and similar cases of conflicting interests, tender irregularities, and potential corruption around World Cup developments, as well as alleged global corruption within Fifa.

Question to the EU Commission

Greece is bankrupt; Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, Spain and Italy are teetering on the brink and experience downgrades of their sovereign debt. Still, EU officials and governments of potential donor states hold back information about the true extent of Greece's financial meltdown: not €40 billion, but 120-150 billion are needed between now and 2012 to refloat the bankrupt nation.

My question to the EU Commission:
How can an international banker - with a clear conscience and professional integrity - solicit investments into the eurozone from outside investors, when the chief players within the eurozone admit freely that expelling a bankrupt member state would be a "devastating blow" to the zone as a whole??! Is this a sign of strength for the euro?

[Cross-posted from my Facebook site]

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Inter Milan in Champions League Final

The Special One Delivers
Has football Italy at his feet: World Class Coach Jose Mourinho

Ten men Internazionale Milan ejected favourites Barcelona tonight with an aggregate 3-2 score, despite having one man unfairly sent off early on by Barcelona's strongest field player - the French referee. But even 12 Barcelona men failed miserably to break the Italian defence dam, vigorously boosted by a Jose Mourinho at the sidelines. Finally, after 95 minutes of play, the moment of triumph for the Special One has come, and even hysterical UEFA officials could not prevent the triumphant coach to storm onto the field towards the tribune of the Inter fans.

Echoes of Old Trafford as Jose Mourinho sprints on to the pitch in Catalonia and runs over to the small band of Inter Milan fans right at the top of the stand at the Camp Nou. He stands there, arms aloft as only the Special One could do. Barca keeper Victor Valdes is furious with Mourinho - sour grapes! - but it's handbags at best. Some of the Barca players are in whimpy tears. As the Inter players celebrate on the Camp Nou pitch, someone turned the sprinklers on. Why can't clubs who lose these semi-finals just lose them with good grace? Another point - Barca wanted a wet surface after last week's dry pitch in Milan, but a lot of their players were slipping enough tonight.

On May 22nd Inter will face some German team in the Bernabeau Stadium of Madrid for Jose Mourinho's coronation as the king of all coaches that ever lived. No exaggerating there!

Begone already, Mr Brown!

At a campaign stop at noon in Rochdale the prime minister was confronted by a loyal Labour supporter, a 66-year old local resident, about how Labour intend to get Britain out of the current mess.
Unsurprisingly Britain's most hated figure: Scottish thug Gordon Nasty Brown

After some spirited exchange Gordon 'Nasty' Brown trudged back to his motorcade, mumbling about " Ridiculous, a disaster to subject myself to such ambush," in an implicit banter against his campaign staff, before adding, "this bigoted woman." In typical Scottish thuggish style,  Brown exploded into this rant after the lady expressed her concern over the massive influx of Eastern Europeans into Britain under Labour.

Clearly, the prime minister for one final week is in panic and on short fuses these days, and not fit to govern any longer. Remote from pre-fabricated and coached slick statements, the ruthless Scotsman shows his real character for all to see and hear.
BBC link

Update filed via BlackBerry

Comments & Analysis

  • Let Greece Default

  • TV Debate: Labour Deceit and Opposition Silence

  • Ignorant Dimwits in Congress Keep Hounding Goldman Sachs
    Greece should not be bailed out
    The sovereign debt of Greece has been reduced to junk bond status. The downgrade by S&P is fully justified and prevents Greece from indiscriminantly add new debt, but also making service of existing debt and interest payments drastically more expensive. Within the last six months the annual interest that Greece has to pay to investors for its bonds has risen from 4.25% to yesterday's high of 19.60%.

    Greece used lies, fraud and deceit to gain membership in the eurozone in 2002. Incompetent European commissions and controls failed to detect the elaborate scheme of Greek governments to deliberately misrepresent its economic strength, willfully lie about feigned intentions to reform and adhere to the EU's budgetary Stability Act - in order to qualify for membership in the eurozone.
    Today, Greece finds itself between a rock and a hard place: exploding public debts (close to $600 billion) attached with crippling interest payments ($37 billion due this year alone) that snuffs out any growth this and next year, and the real threat of widespread public unrest that could steer Athens to renege on the few and vague reforms it promised to the IMF just days ago but that are a pre-condition for urgently needed bridging loans at the favourable rate of 5%.
    The fiasco that Greece finds herself in today is home-made, and, due to the criminally reckless and dishonest policies of the past, does not deserve the eurozone's support. Greece should be thrown out of the eurozone and treated as a financial pariah just as Argentina and Mexico have been in the 1980s.
    - - -
    Congress: The Ignorants Run Amok
    The US Senate's Banking Committee summoned the chairman of Goldman Sachs to perform a show trial aimed to please the angry (and equally ignorant) electorate in the respective home states that will see mid-term elections in November. The tonic of professional ignorance and unawareness of the markets they supposedly legislate and the fear of voters' irate has lead to the witch hunt of banker we can currently witness.

    Less imbecility prone pundits, such as law & business professors, bankers and intellectuals at large know better than the self-righteous pompous arses of Congress, and point straight at the real culprits of the financial crisis that remains to be rampant, albeit out of the daily headlines for now.

    The true culprits are the regulators: government (6 consecutive US presidencies), the Federal Reserve Board and, hold your breath Mr Lawmaker, CONGRESS. Goldman Sachs, one of the few profitable banking institutions that could refuse emergency funds from Washington in 2009, acted exemplary and diligently in a murky market where oversight institutions failed to spot weaknesses and on their oversight duties.

    In the end, resigned senators accused Goldman Sachs to "bet against products they earlier sold to investors." It shows the full scope of ignorance of how financial markets operate: you have market makers, like Goldman Sachs, who are prepared to set prices on virtually anything, and leave it to third parties to trade on the basis of these prices. Market makers have a professional obligation to set a price on products, how ever complicated and complex, and do so with the benefit of the company, its employees and its stockholders in mind. The failure of Congress to come to grips with the very basic rules of markets disqualifies them utterly from the self-styled role of judges over bankers who fulfil the criteria of true professionalism.
    - - -

    The Banality of TV Debates: Don't Reveal Too Much
    Last night's election debate was surreal to watch. Labour vaguely presented the economic crisis as something spewed out of the intestines of some distant volcano such as Wall Street, Brussels and Asia, rather than as the home-made disaster that was created in the dark halls of Whitechapel and the loose ends of Threadneedle Street. Missing entirely the point of putting blame into the right court - themselves! - the Labour Party tried to excuse itself from blame and fault and consequently failed to offer any glimps of what's in store to correct the financial disaster in the future. No admission, no plan and no vision - the voters should take note of the derelict status of "New" Labour in 2010.

    The Opposition played along cleverly, refraining from presenting a doomsday scenario of public finances that is inevitable nevertheless. And rightfully so: why should the Opposition harm its chances to capture the Commons by sounding stern and alarming over the truly catastrophic state of affairs left by 13 years of Labour, and providing a safety net for Labour's majority in Parliament? The country needs change, badly, and our role is to kick Labour hard, especially when they're down.
  • Tuesday, 27 April 2010

    Which Party to Pick?

    Which Party Would Stack Up to Your Expectations?

    If you are debilitated enough to still wonder which party to elect on May 6th, the link below is a simple test of 20+ questions which will defuse the mental nebula. If you decided already not to vote feel my scorn and disdain, and consider yourself dismissed as the weakest link between an enlightened and empowered society of taxpayers and the bottom-feeding creatures of rodentia straight out of Anglochat.

    Up to now the conundrum of who is the least evil in the Commons was clear-cut and self-evident: the party of slackers, welfare leeches and parasites - New old Labour - ruling since 1997; and the party of the doers, the creative and innovative employers of industrious Britons and maintainers of British sovereignty against EU and its Eastern Europeans newbies - the British Conservative Party.

    Not this time around, as a Fifth Column force emerged - the LibDems, who want to feign a bit from both 'old parties.' So, before complete confusion and disorientation sets in, the following quick test should help to find out for yourself to which category of voter you want to belong:

    Coincidentally, I did the test too and found out that the Cons match 77% of my values and desires I demand from the next government; Labour matched 10% and LibDems 4%.

    My keen interest in the election outcome is no coincident: if the Conservatives win at least 57 seats I will make a dramatic change in my career, leaving for good banking after 26 years. Close friends and family have said it all along for many years: I belong into politics. Now that I see what they meant I am ready to jump. All it took was someone on my side who shares my views. That piece of the puzzle has been found at last.

    Current Music (linked on Spotify): David Bowie – This Is Not America

    Monday, 26 April 2010

    Ten Days to Brown-Out

    Boost in Polls for Conservatives
    Return of Ken Clarke
    Forebodes Gordon's End

    The bliss of a long weekend with Emily was matched with a Saturday meeting with one of the most distinguished and celebrated workhorses the Tories can claim: Ken Clarke is about to return to Government in a senior position. The re-emergence of Ken, so desperately demanded from Party Leader Cameron for the past 2 months, virtually assures that the reign of Labour is about to end. Under Ken's direction, the Tories have quietly negotiated with the LibDems that, in the case of a hung parliament, a close cooperation between the two parties could even lead to a formal coalition government - a rarity in Britain.

    Late polls indicate that the Conservatives have support of 37.1% of voters, the LibDems 29.0% and Labour 26.0%. This would translate into a House of Commons with
    310 Conservative MPs,
    224 Labour seats,
    88 LibDem seats and
    28 others (Scotland, Ulster)

    which would mean a Tory majority short of 16 seats of overall control.

    The idea is to offer the LibDems an electoral system reform which would depart from the "winner takes all"  to the proportional electoral system widely used in Europe in exchange for LibDem support for a Tory minority government or even a coalition. It would finish with the absurdity that parliamentary seats can be won with as little as 25% of the vote, if other parties fail to surpass that benchmark. It also would end the huge lead that Labour will still hold over the LibDems despite a third-place finish.

    While it will make single-party governments in future much harder to achieve (as a majority of 49-50% of the popular vote will be needed), there is also something for the Conservative Party to gain from a change of the voting: currently, the Tories need around 63,000 votes to capture a seat in the Commons, while Labour seats are much "cheaper" - only 27,000 votes for each Labour seat on average. That explains why currently the Tories have to finish ahead by at least 4.5% in the popular vote to be level with Labour seats in Parliament.

    From this side: full backing for Ken Clarke's return to the Party's leadership and future Government, support for the idea of rapprochement with the LibDems and the price to pay: electoral reform.

    Current Music (linked): Zebda – Y'A Pas D'Arrangement

    Great Weekend; Paris Dix Points, Londres Sept Points

    It has been a glorious weekend in London, and Emily gave first hints that London might actually catch up with Paris as Europe's most desirable location to live. That's no small thing for a true Parisian to concede, and it has taken weeks of acting as a part-time tour guide and tourist information agent. In the end, however, I believe that I have seized crucial ground within our own walls here in the Royal Borough, particularily in the bedroom and the kitchen (I am being corrected on the order of listing as I type...).

    Breakfast on the terrace, lots of berries and lots of cream and a steaming mug of Euro's coffee topped with a thick layer of froth. Roll over Starbucks, your star is dimming fast! We're off to St Pancras in an hour and the farewell will be sweetened by the prospect of meeting at the exact location again on Thursday evening.

    Current Music (linked): Zazie – Un Point C'Est Toi

    Thursday, 22 April 2010

    ANC Dragging Down SA

    "It is time for everyone to realise that corruption is not just an aberration in the ANC that must be ‘rooted out’ from time to time. The ANC needs corruption to survive, it is its lifeblood. It needs it to fund its election campaigns. It needs it to pay the loyalty networks necessary for ANC leaders to entrench their power. And it needs corruption to pay for its leadership’s lifestyles. ANC leaders in the party, the state, and in business have become an interlocked network of patronage and corruption.”

    ANC Alligns South Africa With the World's Top Villains


    Pathetic, is the best way to describe the infantile leader of the LibDems. His broad brush of generalisations and nebulous wishy-washy banalities cannot withstand any intellectual scrutiny. After a brief moment in the glare of chavvy popularity his star begins to sink just as quickly.

    Today, the champion of diluted substance faces questions over foreign policy in the 2nd of three TV debates with David Cameron of the Conservatives and "that Scot" running third with "that other party." Chances are Mr Clegg will look rather runny and scrambled tonight.

    He defended today the fact that campaign contributions to the LibDems were channelled through his private bank account! "Nothing illegal was done and those who claim otherwise are way out of line," the beleaguered party chairman lamented. Truth is, CleggNog, that this practice violates the principles of accurate and ethical accounting, and defies all common sense!

    But the idiot had more in store today: "I must be the only politician who turned from Churchill into Hitler within a week." Are you completely deranged, Clegg?? You are no Sir Winston Churchill, halfwit, and your invoking of Nazi leader Hitler in an attempt to muzzle critics is immoral, wrong and repulsive.

    Wednesday, 21 April 2010

    Black Pastor Lectures on White Sluts
    James David Manning (born February 20, 1947) is chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church on 123rd Street in New York City.

    The popular NYC pastor came to public attention in the 2008 presidential election after ATLAH posted several sermons of his that were harshly critical of Democratic candidate Barack Obama on the website YouTube. Among other accusations, he called Obama a "good House Negro" in one sermon, while in another he referred to Obama as "trash" due to circumstances surrounding his mixed race heritage and accused him of being a "pimp" (pimping "white women and black women") and "long-legged mack daddy", and an "emissary of the devil", citing the viral video "I Got a Crush... on Obama". He stated that Obama "has the cadence of an Islamic person", and he called Obama's mother "trash" for becoming pregnant by a black man out of wedlock.

    It wouldn't be hard to imagine what Pastor Manning would call a person like, who, when in desperate need for a loaf of bread and being obliviously drunk, grabbed a passing negro refugee from the island of Hispaniola in a dark Guernsey alley to fill herself with a delicate sample of ejaculate from the Third World ape.

    The tribal one-night chancing did not remain without consequences: an innocent child was born in the ghetto nine months later, chubby "Loopy" (a reference to an offspring of a lunatic mother), a frizzy-haired puffed-up version of Mickey Mouse. The straying refugee was picked up by police in Guernsey and expelled a short time later.

    But how would Pastor Manning describe the negro-shagging lowlife? Here an excerpt from the authoritative pundit himself on the Wikipedia site:

    "It is common knowledge that African men, coming from the continent of Africa or the Caribbean colonies — especially for the first time — do diligently seek out white women to have sexual intercourse with. Generally the most noble of white society choose not to intercourse sexually with these men. So it's usually the trashier ones who make their determinations that they're going to have sex."

    Such as ...

    Tuesday, 20 April 2010

    Anglo splinters

    Nothing has changed in AOL's Anglochat, according to our correspondents. The noxious fumes from the Crusty crack in the fiefdom of cyber-chavdom leave their skid marks all over the world, nauseating all of civility and decency. Main contributing factors (AOL scream names) remain the vilest of the slime, such as Crustylake63, Carrcrater, Loveinapiss30, the ever appalling Brandi620 (a retired East London/ Long Island prostitute), paedophiles LameDucks and Kevinbernhard, beached Yorkshire whale KKend4095 and - from deep inside Crusty's crater - the rumbling layer of lardy tissues, negroid fatso eviyavol.

    Anglochat's periodical eruptions send toxic fumes sky-high, often hampering global internet users and alerting authorities to stop the carnage.

    Monday, 19 April 2010

    Back Home

    You mainly realise just how treacherous and awful Britain is each time you venture abroad. Time flies during a long weekend in Paris, while the week drags on arduously from Tuesday-Friday. But at least I got back without incident and delay, something tens of thousands of others cannot claim these days.

    Paris was delightful as always and no volcano will stop me from going back in middle of May. But I need sleep badly now, and my music list on Spotify will gently sent me off to meet Mr Sandman. Lately I dream in colours again, and I long already for the one who makes a habit to appear in my dreams. That will have to do until Friday...

    Current Music: Heather Nova – London Rain (Nothing Heals Me Like You Do)

    Friday, 16 April 2010

    KFC Shot at Anglochatters

    Can't Yucky Fried Chicken, Bro!
    Latest product can only be seen as a rapidly deployable weapon
    to curtail population growth

    From Big Mac to Double Whopper, from one-foot B.M.T. to KFC's new "Double Down" - not by coincidence did marketing geniuses invoke terms closely associated with the Pentagon's best guarded secrets within their arsenal. Forget anti-personal mines or other surface-to-face missiles: KFC has come up with 'Da Bomb' - an effective piece of armory to tackle the explosive growth among niggers, whiggers, white trash and ghetto fucks, with this chav-seeking device to bring Armageddon to the nation's inner-cities.

    There are many horrible jobs in this life. Emergency room janitor. Sow inseminator. Earwax collector. Anglochat moderator. Sarah Palin's grammar checker. Democrat. New Jersey. Alabama. Alistar Darling's eyebrow trimmer.

    But when I sit back, sip my Bloody Mary and scan the newswires for motley effluvia indicative of our culture's joyful hellbound deathspin, the realisation soon dawns that I can think of few gigs more nightmare-inducing, soul-deadeningly horrible than being an executive for garbage food (AKA fast food) megacorp.

    That is to say, a VP for McDonald's, Taco Bell, Burger King or their ilk, someone who sits around all day (now there is an idea for Anglochatters to apply and get off welfare!) trying to discover new ways to manipulate, coerce, poison, and otherwise flagrantly kill millions of disadvantaged humans by convincing them to eat mass-produced, industrial feedlot, chemical-blasted garbage you should not feed to your dog unless you totally hate him.

    Thursday, 15 April 2010

    FB update

    From my FB update:
    I wonder if Eurostar will use "volcanic ashes" as an excuse for delays of their trains to France on Saturday? After all, they broke down earlier this year inside the Chunnel "because of heavy snow" ...

    FB 22:14 update (posted via Blackberry):
    I watched THE DEBATE and find that
    a) the LibDems have no functional role to play in Britain,
    b) that Gordon Brown continues to promise the same promises he has broken in the past (as if he wasn't in government for the past 13 years!), and
    c) that Cameron would be a better PM, even though the feeling remains that there are better qualified men in the Conservative Party than him.

    Current Music Spotify Link: Massive Attack – Sly

    Wednesday, 14 April 2010

    Managing Waste: the ANC

    Monitoring the ANC: ZAR 1 billion wasted /

    Correcting the ANC: Malema's fury not a private matter, Jacob Zuma

    In a recent press conference, Lindiwe Mazibuko MP, National Spokesperson for the Democratic Alliance (DA), reported that the DA’s Wasteful Expenditure Monitor to calculate waste committed by the ANC on the Republic of South Africa had surpassed the R1-billion mark. The Democratic Alliance, as part of its oversight role as the official opposition, had been tracking the ANC’s wasteful expenditure since July last year. The purpose, says Mazibuko, was to hold public rep's to account and to assess the impact of the waste excesses on the ability of the government to serve.

    Key figures released from the report included R47.4 million wasted on the purchase of luxury vehicles, while luxury hotel-stays added to a total amount of R6.5million. The nation's top cop Cele has been found as one of the worst violators of government spending limits, routinely extending business trips into week-long vacations at the state's expense. ANC-held parties, banquets, conferences and other events added to well over the R200 million mark. Other spending amounted to a total of R732.9 million which included the R22.5 million Sarafina style theatre production.

    Mazibuko stated that the ANC's excessive spending to date amounts to R1 billion, equating to just under 19,000 RDP homes, or the equivalent of 8,000 teachers' annual salaries. The monitor only recorded money that was wasted on ‘glitz and glamour’ and which was clearly wasteful squandering of public funds, said Mazibuko.

    A&E - Upcoming Events

    Two concerts I will attend in the next few days:

    Friday, 16 April / 7:30 PM
    James: The Mirrorball Tour
    Royal Albert Hall, London SW7

    Tuesday, 20 April / 8:00 PM
    The Pipettes
    Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen, London  N1

    Current Music Link:  James – Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)

    Tuesday, 13 April 2010

    Helen Zille: 2 Tantrums

    We support the Democratic Alliance

    Helen Zille, the Prime Minister of Western Cape and Leader of the DA, comments on the situation in South Africa in the aftermath of the murder of AWB leader Eugene Terre'Blanche and ANCYL's chieftain Julius "Kill the Boer" Malema's latest outburst. Chateau Euro Blogsite fully supports the views expressed by Helen Zille.

    "A tale of two tantrums"

    Apart from other traumatic events, the past week will be remembered for two very public tantrums. Both made worldwide news because they threw the choices facing South Africa into sharp relief. And both were characterized by a retreat into racial insults as an alternative to logic and reasoned debate.

    One was the confrontation between ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema and BBC journalist Jonah Fisher. The other was the confrontation between AWB secretary general Andries Visagie and political analyst Lebohang Pheko.

    Confrontations like these make South Africans anxious, because they symbolize the ever-present danger of a retreat into conflicting racial nationalisms. But the fact that the majority of South Africans express this anxiety is actually good news. It shows that most of us do not want this kind of future, because it can produce no winners. Moments like these are actually important because they mobilize the moderate majority into realizing that we have to work towards a non-racial alternative, where everyone has the opportunity of a decent education and a job, and where everyone protects each other’s rights.
    Crises tend to galvanise South Africans. We turn them into opportunities to face the real issues, and make the right choices. But first we must understand precisely what these choices are. We know which option we want to avoid. It is symbolized by both Malema and Visagie.

    Monday, 12 April 2010


    The comical aspect of the past weekend does not escape me. Ever since 18 September 2007, the day I returned to London from years of global straying, I have bemoaned the lack of sunshine and the miserable weather prevailing for some 330 days of the year. If it isn't for the occasional visits to South Africa or the frequent excursions to France I wouldn't even know what the Sun looks like any more.

    Come April 10th 2010 - feeling courageous to venture out with Her on a boat trip on London's canals to celebrate the sudden return of sunshine in anticipation of a Labour rout in May, and EURO suffers a sunburn! Arms and face ripened like tomato (or strawberry, to make it a bit more palpable), we had to get me the after-the-fact lotions to soothe the pain and provide necessary moisture for the scorched skin. Sitting on the terrace of a pleasant eatery along the River Thames in Little Venice in the late afternoon and sipping from a Bloody Mary I had to listen to her puns, such as, "How pale the drink looks compared to your face." Ta!

    The weekend was fabulous though. I cooked once (actually it was not cooked at all: (beef) steak tartar; oh si très bon!!), we went to brunch on Sunday in Camden (the Lock Tavern) and had catered Japanese meal in the evening (sushi only as starters) for a party of six. It all went by far too quickly, but I look forward already to Paris this coming weekend. Now that I'm acclimated for more sun, inside and out.

    Parting shot, just for four days until Saturday

    When I took her MSN picture last August I had no idea where it would lead to 5 months later;
    better late than never, I should have seen in her eyes what has become so obvious for me since.

    Emily wants to visit - oh quelle ironie - Edinburgh in early May (probably 8-10). Looks like we'll meet up with 2 friends in Newcastle (oh quelle quelle ironie! lmao) and drive north of the border. I hope I can keep my mouth shut while in hostile territory...

    Current Music Link: Belinda Carlisle – Circle In The Sand

    Saturday, 10 April 2010

    Poll Crawl

    The news is a mixed bag for the Conservative Party: ahead of Labour by 8% in the current polls it translates to around 60 more MPs than Labour's, but 20 or so short of an overall majority. The deficit could be made up by support from the Ulster MPs, which could number around 25-30 and provide for a razor-thin majority in the Commons.

    British election law is peculiar and puts the Tories at a distinct disadvantage. In order to pull even with Labour the Conservatives need to be at least 4% ahead of the socialists. My prediction for the May 6 election stands: Con's will win a majority of 29 seats.

    Lip Clamps for LibDems

    This morning the LibDems' Whince Cable told the BBC that the Tory plan to give married couples a tax credit amounts to - in his humble mind - "patronising drivel from an Edwardian Age." He, the spokesman on financial matters for the pathetic grouping, might be forgiven; he lacks knowledge and grasp, from the present to the past. On the one hand he muses about "the pity of £3/week in a discriminatory give-away for married couples that cannot be financed," - - only to promise that the LibDems would treble that amount!

    The ill-wired Cable then attacks business leaders who have expressed their support for the Tory plan to nix the increase of National Insurance conributions promised by Labour. He called people like the chairmen of Marks & Spencer, BP, Selfridges and 116 others business leaders as "nauseating people who don't have the good of the country in mind." Special, eh? To accuse business leaders who combined employ 2.7 million Britons of lacking interest in the country condemns Cable and his flock to be a redundant fringe group that will be punished by voters.

    It is a bright Spring day in London, and we're having breakfast with all windows wide open, curtains waving in a gentle breeze. Full of plans for the weekend, lots of them outdoors, it will pass all too quickly before my Femme de Couleur boards the train back to Paris on Monday. So, without much ado, have a great weekend everybody, and I will report back on Monday.

    Current Music: Shy'm – Femme de Couleur

    Helen Zille comment

    This blogsite supports and endorses the Democratic Alliance

    Helen Zille, the Prime Minister of Western Cape and Leader of the DA, comments on the situation in South Africa in the aftermath of the murder of AWB leader Eugene Terre'Blanche. Chateau Euro Blogsite fully supports the views expressed by Helen Zille.

    "Our rights and our future are indivisible"
    The murder of Eugene Terre’Blanche on Saturday night unleashed a tidal wave of pent up rage and frustration in sections of our society. The context explains why. For over a decade now, farmers and farming communities have been on the receiving end of escalating criminal violence, and 3 368 have been murdered. More recently, the ANC Youth League’s sinister leader, Julius Malema, has made popular again an old struggle song, the lyrics of which include the phrase, “kill the boer”.

    Most South Africans of all races and backgrounds condemn the killing of another human being. They also do not agree with the hate speech of those at the margins. The majority of South Africans want to build a shared future in which they all have the opportunity to prosper.

    Thursday, 8 April 2010

    A & E

    Tonight you found me at:
    Scarlet Harlots
    Notting Hill Arts Club

    South Africa after the murder

    On the eve of murder victim Terre'Blanche's funeral tempers fly high in the country. While the ruling ANC tries to muzzle the stray Youth League president Malema, white parties try to discourage the AWB from acts of revenge against blacks.

    Judging from the appearance of AWB secretary general Andre Visagie in a TV news programme to be aired on Sunday, in which he lashed out against a black commentator and threw threats at her, the TV station and other staff, before storming out of the studio, rocky times lie ahead for the nation.

    "And you, Sir, smell really bad! You have been in Mr Terre'Blanche's camp for too long, SIR!"

    "Don't touch me on my studio!"

    I am not condoning the man's behavior one bit. He should have left the studio quietly when the woman commentor, in breach of journalistic integrity, started ranting on political activism and misusing a debate forum to vent her personal views and issues. Bad journalism, lousy behavior from Mr Visagie. On top of that confrontation you have a hysterical black TV station manager who grabs Mr Visagie and keeps yelling "Don't touch me on my studio!!" Eight times in a row, as if the "studio" is a synonym for an extended body part of the manager.

    Too bad, a chance of debate come and gone at a time when dialogue would be so crucial!


    Prime Minister for 27 more days, Gordon Brown this morning faced questions from BBC's John Humphries. In the broadcast, Humphries asked (repeatedly) whether the PM regrets having told the people and businesses for years to "spend, spend, spend, because under Labour the cycles of Boom & Bust have been eradicated?"

    The PM, with his trademark preacher-like sonoric voice, stuttered along repetitiously: "John, John, John, listen, the the the i-i-international banks have have have let us down down down down."

    BBC: "International banks? Like RBS? Weren't you alarmed that RBS 'grew' from £60bn balance sheet in one year to £2 trillion - greater than the UK's GDP - two years later, based on money they didn't have?"

    Brown: "Look, look, John John, they purchased more and and and more companies ..."
    BBC: "... with money they didn't have! Sorry for interrupting, PM."
    Brown: "That that that is not true John John John, look, they just didn't substantiate the funds for the acquisitions."

    WTF? What's the difference between 'not having the money' and 'not be able to substantiate the money'? Classical Labour spin to obscure deceit and incompetence. When Brown declines to express regret he does so for the lack of a conscience.

    Wednesday, 7 April 2010

    The end of Bebo

    AOL + Bebo: From idiots, for idiots
    Anglochat dimwits couldn't stop the demise of an infantile product

    Bebo is on the brink: acquired by AOL in 2008 for $850 million (!), the anti-social network for "Generation 10 and under" (or the equivalent IQ) had its membership in the US dwindle from 5.8 million a year ago to 5.1 million now; in the UK, where consumers are less savvy and educated, membership stagnates around 5 million. Ernst & Young put the current value of Bebo at $62 million but warned America Online not to expect a sales price of the unit above $45 million.
    That puts the true value of Bebo currently 94.7% below the price that AOL has paid in September 2008. It shows that AOL is run by true idiots who are only marginally above the level of many Anglochat fuckwits such as Eviyavol, Campiekat1, Crosseykind (pictured from top to bottom: the Sow, the Fugly and the Broody), KKend4095, Brandi620, Christielakev63, KMHii, Lameducks, etc... numpties that have been featured here before. The range of these Bebo members reaches from welfare fraudsters, some accused of child abuse and neglect and personal insolvency, to thieves, robbers, biker convicts and other criminals (paedophiles like lister69 or Kevinbernhard).

    AOL finally had enough. After the Time-Warner fiasco, when AOL bought and sold that conglomerate at a loss of a staggering $102 billion within four years, the appetite to carry along another loss making entity is gone. Bebo will be unwound, either sold to the highest bidder within 2 months or simply shut down. The 30 employees in England have already been made redundant, the 42 in the US put on notice.

    The reasons for the demise of Bebo are all too obvious. Their attempt to compete with Facebook, which has nearly 400 million members world-wide, was grotesquely megalomaniac. The lack of a viable product - Bebo has never grown out of a childish reincarnation of Sesame Street - and the incapability to respond coherently to AOL members' complaints and requests - often brushed aside with pubescent remarks like "because we can" or "because you want to" - spelled doom for the inferior network from the start. The deliberate violations of members' rights and personal safety issues have resulted in more than 3,000 lawsuits pending or in process. The ridiculously primitive lay-outs remind of a boiler room operation of glue-sniffing High School dropouts rather than of anyone with even most rudimentary market skills. The Feds are investigating accounting practises at both, AOL and Bebo: money laundering is suspected. The suspicion that proceeds from drug-trafficking schemes in Florida were behind the totally overblown purchasing price of Bebo by AOL made headlines even in the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal.

    Being dumb might not violate criminal law; but the markets punish idiots mercilessly to run them out of town.

    Current Music: Gliss – Kick In Your Heart

    What to do on Polling Day

    Cinco Seis de Mayo
    Beat the holy crap out of Labour

    In other news:
    EURO started a new campaign, "Lip Clamps 4 LibDems" as part of the Tory Election Manifesto.

    Current Music:   Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Heads Will Roll   

    Tuesday, 6 April 2010

    Love Promotion #9

    Back in the Premier League With Love ...
    ... and the Queen of Hearts

    Countdown to Polling Day

    The Scottish thug finally allows the British people to judge the Labour regime and cast their ballot on May 6th. Labour's Minister of Propaganda & Spin, Lord Mandelson, couldn't have said it better:"If Labour get re-elected the job to rebuild the British economy would be huge."

    But, oh socialist lord, after 13 years in power, who is to be blamed for the economy in such dire need to be rebuilt? Labour!

    Just a reminder:

    Sunday, 4 April 2010

    Murder in ZA: Terre'Blanche vs Malema

    ANC bears responsibility for Terre'Blanche's murder

    The brutal killing of 69-year old white supremacist Eugene Terre'Blanche ("white land") on his farm yesterday is the temporary culmination of a hate campaign unleashed by the ANC and its Youth League leader Julius Malema. For weeks South Africans have been bombarded with hate speeches against whites (tourists for the World Cup in June beware!). Malema, who is destined to succeed Jacob Zuma one day to become the nation's president, ostensibly has blared out in public the battle hymn "Kill the Boers" until the courts stopped him last week.

    The damage, however, was done, and on the same day as Terre'Blanche was hacked to death in his bedroom Mr Malema was cheered by thousands of black activists who already succeeded in Rhodesian "land reform" - meaning the uncontrolled land grab by uneducated and untrained black marauders who have either killed or chased off white farmers from their productive farms. Malema has arrived to a hero's welcome in Harare with Zanu-PF members singing his "Dubul ibhunu" song. He, in turn, thanked for the encouragement and promised to turn South Africa into the same "freed land as Zimbabwe is today," foreboding the bloodshed, mayhem and terror that is to come.

    The black killers of Mr Terre'Blanche, who deserves little sympathy for his belligerent racist pro-Apartheid past but who had lived in obscurity for the last 15 years, have been caught; by black police. Terre'Blanche has become one of the 90 white farmers who on average are being slaughtered each year as the ANC's campaign to "free the land for the blacks" has become an intricit part of South African land reform. The ANC also targets the mining industry to "free black workers from the shackles of the Boers (and De Beers).

    South Africa has taken a huge step towards civil unrest now and more mayhem is guaranteed. The country's president, ANC chieftain Jacob Zuma, has appealed for calm. It is a hollow message from a man who started the acerbic rhetoric that has radicalised the ANC and whose hoodlums swing the axes and brandish the spears to fusilate any white South African in their way. Terre'Blanche's murder marks the start of a sinister larger plot to destroy South Africa from within.

    Thursday, 1 April 2010

    A British Revolution Ahead

    A New (Less Great) Britain After May Elections
    Tories' Revolutionary Plan to Sell Scotland

    May 6th is Polling Day, and the Tories are in comfortable lead over a Labour Party in disarray. The commanding lead in the polls, putting the Conservatives at 40% over Labour's 31%, suggests a decisive majority in the next Parliament, empowering the invigorated troopers around Party Leader David Cameron to embark on revolutionary ideas that will shape a new Great Britain for generations to come.

    Among the bold ideas is a complete revamp of the United Kingdom. Borders between counties and regions will be redrawn, and huge efforts will be undertaken to trigger a reverse migration out of metropolitan into rural areas, supported by a state-of-the-art infrastructure of mass transit engineered with futuristic technological know-how. A whopping £30 billion will go into the effort to ease congestion in London, Birmingham and Manchester.

    But the true revolution will take place in 2013, when the very make-up of the UK will change. Two states, Northern Ireland (Province of Ulster) and Scotland will be sold, with Scotland to be leased back for 30 years, allowing for legal, budgetary and logistical issues to be resolved orderly.

    The sale of Scotland - interested parties reportedly include the European Union, the Norwegian Reserve Fund (currently valued at $370 billion and financed by Norway's vast oil reserves) and the Dubai Fund - is earmarked to raise £120 - 130 billion, sufficient to finance the Conservatives' initiatives as well as reducing the humongous sovereign debt accumulated under Labour.

    "The bold visions for a new England can be realised within the span of a very few years, within the next Parliament," the Shadow Chancellor George Osborne said at a Tory strategy meeting last week. "The windfall profit from the sale of Scotland is attractive as it raises enormous resources to counter-finance visionary infrastructure and building projects for everyone's benefit, will help to aid our health and education system with nearly £15 billion on top of already set budgets and will reduce the colossal Labour debts that take £100 billion in interest payments alone per year to service," Mr Osborne explained. The annual savings of £9 billion in economic development aid to Scotland which is current policy will, however, be offset by losing 50% of future oil revenues from offshore North Sea wells.

    Confidential negotiations concerning the sales of Northern Ireland and Scotland are being conducted between the Tory leadership and government and EU officials in Brussels and Washington. "As the sale of the two states also changes the map of NATO, the US has to be actively involved in the changes we plan," explained Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague. "In the case of Northern Ireland, we have received keen interest from the United States government that points towards an expedient sale in the near future. The possibility to have Northern Ireland unified with the Commonwealth of Massachussetts is a very attractive avenue to take and now a distinct possibility," William Hague declared.

    The US would have a firm foothold on the European continent, which would manifest the greatest expansion of its sphere of influence since the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1910. The US government has offered £16 billion for the province, linked to a pledge to invest another $20 billion into the region's economy. The enlarged Commonwealth of Mass will have twin capitals, the "BBs", Boston & Belfast, as of January 1, 2015.

    "For us it was important to spin off the Province at a good price and to a power other than the Irish Republic, for simple strategic and national security concerns. With the special relationship between the UK and the US on a rebound under our leadership, becoming direct neighbours with the United States is a foreign policy objective that the English people will benefit from for centuries to come," Mr Hague pointed out.

    During the strategy meeting to fine-tune the election manifesto the debate over shedding Scotland was spirited and lively. All participants agreed that Scotland, and the Scottish electorate, are dispensible and no loss for the Party or the country. England stands to gain substantially from getting rid off a rugged and inhospitable area with sparse population and a generally uneducated peasant tribe.

    Or, as I articulated it during the meeting, "Hicks in the sticks, let's deliver them to Brussels. Who'd miss the half-witted crude boors who have fleeced England for the past 200 years anyway?" 


    [Off to St Pancras now to welcome someone most welcome in England]
    Current Music: Astonvilla – J'Aime Regarder Les Filles