Friday, 26 February 2010

Lights On Brighton

Busy week, and no end in sight: rampant speculation against the euro (and anything it stands for), and yesterday's presentation at 30 Millbank. Briefing the staff of Osborne, Clarke and Philip Hammond - a total of nearly 60 people  - during a 20-minute speech and 1-hour roundtable discussion was fun, intense and purposeful. The topic "Banks under new Basel-III regulations in the post-Lehman Brothers collapse era" was a wake-up call to some not to get carried away with hostile legislation that could deal a fatal blow to commercial banking as we know it. The spooky years of the Labourites have to come to an end, and I did my share to invigorate the Conservatives' quest to recapture Number 10 in May.

Tomorrow I will be in Brighton, but will return to London early Sunday for a previously arranged engagement at 11am, so I shall miss Cameron's address to the delegates at 2pm. But I shall watch and listen to him from the comfort of my bathtub... LOL

The reward at the end of the day...
At the end of the the reward for all the stress: 2 pints of lager with friends 
(I don't blame team mate Emily for the unsteady hand while taking the pictures).

Taking on The Churchill Arms, a landmark pub around
the corner from my home.

Looking at these pictures I have to agree
with her: stress and strain of the past week
have left their mark and the remedy seems
obvious: I need a vacation!

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