Thursday, 10 December 2009

Thorny Issues

Anglochat member Thistles1234 has been recognised as a psychotic for years by fellow chatroom members. By own admission Thistles1234 is a patient of several psychiatrists and is compelled to check regularly with mental health clinics along the Eastern Seaboard.

CEB (Chateau EURO Blog) does not condone or encourage eavesdropping, unless it is to prevent an act of terrorism or cases of bloodletting and self-harm. It was for this reason that one of our reliable East Coast correspondents witnessed the following automated response to a frantic phone call that Thistles placed with a medical hotline in New Jersey on December 6th. The correspondent also discovered that several other Anglochat members have used the emergency service as well, tracing some calls to Philadelphia, New York City and Long Island, NY and the states of Illinois, Alabama, Florida, Indiana and Ohio.

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