Tuesday, 25 August 2009

L'art de se réveiller chaque matin

The art of waking up
each morning...
I have four alarm clocks, sort of ...

The first one, which works only sporadically and at variable times, is the sun. I deliberately open the blinds before falling asleep, as my bedroom window faces the quiet courtyard with palm trees. During the 'summer' months, I draw the drapes as I am not keen on being awakened by the rays of light at 4AM. Last night I forgot, and was up at 5:35, in time to enjoy the remaining three alarm clocks swing into operation...

At around 6AM my "inner clock" kicks in, usually beating my DAB radio clock (alarm #3) by 2 or 3 minutes. The weird thing is that even when I'm already up, I begin to function only when this inner clock tells me it is time to. I'm for not much else use than standing in the shower or making coffee before this inner clock moves me into heightened alert and into gear.

Finally, between 6:30 - 6:45 I receive a text message (alarm #4), advising me of the van to arrive which the bank sends out to my neck of the woods to pick up essential staff living in the area. It's a well greased operation, and the envy of colleagues. You can also literally set the time (or alarm clock) on it: it passes my home at 7:10 sharp, unless I have replied to the morning text message to decline the service for this particular day. It happens a few time each month, but I try to avoid it. Cab is £20 from here to there; the occasional use of The Tube serves mainly as a reminder just how fortunate I am not to have to rely on it.

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