Friday, 14 December 2012

No Christmas 2012

Christmas has been cancelled this year, the spirit destroyed in a hail of gunfire from a crazed man who snuffed out 26 lives, 20 of them children under the age of nine.

Who could celebrate when faced with 20 little coffins?

What is wrong with you, America?

Friday, 7 December 2012


The latest unemployment numbers - best gauge for individuals' pain and hardship - paint two entirely different pictures:

The US economy is on a steady albeit moderate path of growth and, confirming the positive trend under the Obama administration, continuously falling jobless numbers. Despite the havoc of a major natural disaster on the East Coast, the November unemployment rate sank to a 4-year low of 7.7%.

Then there is this calamitous eurozone, the economic wasteland threatening other economies globally. The Brussels buffoons just can't get a grip on dismal economic performance - virtually no growth for the past 14 months, recession ahead for all of 2013 - and soaring unemployment numbers to levels not seen since World War 2, tendency rising to expected 13% within six months (some countries will see jobless numbers reach 26%, figures usually associated with states in Black Africa). Gloom and doom rules Europe, and aging colossus that once set out to become the world's #1 economic powerhouse; thanks to the Eurozone and the dimwits at the "EU" commission it resembles a desolate cloak room instead.