In a rare reflection on the long shelved Anglochat memorabilia gallery, here's another jewel from the days I derided the AOL chavs on a daily basis. When desperate enough for bling and welfare check, even they fell on their wounded knees, held their greasy hands together and fell into a communal prayer:
Monday, 29 October 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
NFL Action in Londontown
GUYS, PUT YER HELMETS ON! Soccer plays 2nd fiddle this weekend as the capital is in the firm grip of NFL action. The New England Patriots will maul the St Louis Rams at Wembley on Sunday in front of the usual enthusiastic 84,000 fans to celebrate the event.
The city has already seen a Touchdown thanks to an Eli Manning's 4,000 mile throw back in 2002. His missile turned into steel and glass and is now known as The Gherkin, for some inexplicable reason. But that's just another of the many mysteries of London.
GUYS, PUT YER HELMETS ON! Soccer plays 2nd fiddle this weekend as the capital is in the firm grip of NFL action. The New England Patriots will maul the St Louis Rams at Wembley on Sunday in front of the usual enthusiastic 84,000 fans to celebrate the event.
The city has already seen a Touchdown thanks to an Eli Manning's 4,000 mile throw back in 2002. His missile turned into steel and glass and is now known as The Gherkin, for some inexplicable reason. But that's just another of the many mysteries of London.
Friday, 26 October 2012
US Growth vs EU Stagnancy
With yet a further sign that the US economy is on the mend, today's better
than expected growth of 2.0% of the nation's GDP validates the course of the Obama
Administration. The 3rd Quarter result also beats
the growth rate of 1.3% in the 2nd Quarter. Encouraging is the fact that the
growth was fuelled broadly based, with home construction, consumer spending and
car sales leading the way, more than offsetting the negative effects from the
drought in wide parts of the US.
This also bolsters my argument that Britain should continue to decouple
from the stagnant European economies and intensify economic ties with North
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Vote'12 - last call
VOTE 2012: After all that's been said and done ...
For me, the what I believed was a dismal record of President Obama, made
the incumbent the clear underdog against a yet to be determined Republican
contender back in January. Then came the crowning of Mitt Romney, and the race
suddenly became wide open again for me. The appalling course of impotence and
incompetence in the "European Union" during the past 2 years also helped me to
put the perceived failures of the Obama administration into perspective.
Strangely, the Democrat in the White House has actually shown remarkable
stewardship during the global financial crisis and - astounding for a man of his
youth and previous inexperience in government - calm yet swiftly acting
leadership in a world marked by chaos and panic from a slowly dying "European
Union." It makes Obama today the clear favorite to win re-election by a margin
that will surprise many. Obama's popularity in Europe is based on the relative
strength and leadership quality at play in America, compared to the listless
drift of the Old Continent towards the abyss.
I now expect Obama to win by a 4.5% margin of the popular vote, with a
majority of 145 votes in the Electoral College.
Back in January I also expected that the current 53:47 Democratic majority
in the US Senate would be reversed into a 2-3 seat majority for the Republicans.
Somehow I still hope for that, but it must not come at the cost of seeing a
nutter like Todd Akin be elected as Rep senator for Missouri, who fails on such
fundamental issues such as biology and reproduction, and what constitutes rape
and its consequences. Equally repugnant was the way how a distinguished senator
from Indiana, long-serving Richard Lugar, was ousted by the irrational Tea Party
wing of the Republican Party, a scary (and scare-mongering) fringe grouping on
the far right. I am inclined to wish upon the failure to reach a Republican
majority in the Senate after days of agonizing count and re-count of election
results in Indiana.
In the end I see a 50-50 balance in the Senate, a numerical deadlock that
VP Joe Biden will have to break on occasion. I do not expect a major change in
the Republican hold of the House of Representatives.
For those undecided I would seriously suggest to vote for Libertarian Gary
Johnson for president.
United Kingdom of Muppets
By all accounts Britain has currently the weakest pair of leadership, the prime minister on one side and the leader of the opposition on the other, in the nation's history. The unconvincing David Cameron, soon to be challenged as Conservative leader and PM and buffoon-like David Miliband as Labour leader, provide for the most mocked at set of clowns, and for the lamest, most uninspiring and aimlessly drifting duo in living memory. The ratings underscore the deficits: any number under 50 is bad.
Random Thoughts
A fat rat on Armstrong ban, a kangaruh court in Italy
The debilitated quip by the fat, self-inflated chief executive of the International Cycling Union, gender-neutral Pat McQuaid that "Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling. Lance Armstrong deserves to be forgotten in cycling," is as idiotic as the six-year jail terms handed out by an Italian court to scientists for "failing to predict the exact location, time and magnitude of an earthquake that left 309 people dead.
A fat rat on Armstrong ban, a kangaruh court in Italy
The debilitated quip by the fat, self-inflated chief executive of the International Cycling Union, gender-neutral Pat McQuaid that "Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling. Lance Armstrong deserves to be forgotten in cycling," is as idiotic as the six-year jail terms handed out by an Italian court to scientists for "failing to predict the exact location, time and magnitude of an earthquake that left 309 people dead.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Obama, after 3 debates
If one places enough value on presidential debates Mitt Romney had to win
all three of 2012 to pose as serious challenger to incumbent Obama. He failed to
achieve that sweep by miles. I have watched the last 2 debates, both clearly won
by the president. The first debate, by all credible accounts, has been a
disaster for Obama.
I take also consolation from the fact that Obama is on many issues to the
right of the (British) Conservative Party, making the choice for Obama just the
more palpably acceptable.
BA delay
Delayed; new departure 10:59 [not 11!] Sched. |
Flight No. |
Departing To |
Status |
Terminal |
09:50 | BA700 | VIENNA | DELAYED 10:59 | 3 |
Monday, 22 October 2012
Hostile Grounds: the "EU"
When you work for the British Government and have to embark on a mission to Brussels you cannot help but feel gratitude about the hostility thrown at you in the billion-dollar gravy-train corridors of the "EU." That was my experience last week and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The mission itself was successful: we ridiculed, tore apart and rejected the "EU" budget schemes as delusionary, out of step with reality and unacceptable.
It's anyone's guess what possesses the German chancellor to try to force
down enormous budget increases for the "EU" David Cameron's throat. While
Britain supports a reasonable 0.1% increase, the "EU" demands a 6% hike. And now
Merkel ups the ante for vulnerable Cameron: "Accept a German compromise (4.6%
budget rise) or I'll cancel next month's European summit talks."
Frau Merkel clearly over-estimates her sway in Britain. If David Cameron
signs up to the excessive budget plans in Europe, he'd be dead meat in London,
and out of his job. The "threat" of cancellation of a "EU" summit would also be
greeted in London with open joy and satisfaction. It will be fun to watch this
story to unfold in the coming days.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Starbucks: Brewing Crooks & Cooking Books
The Starbucks book value of $40bn is similarily absurd as the public offering price of Facebook shares suggested (fictitious value of $102bn with $822mn of annual profits). Little wonder that the UK arm of the dispenser of mediocre coffee made a loss of $53mn on $637mn turnover in 2011. The poorly run UK company recorded a loss in 8 of the past 10 years and paid a total of $6.2mn in corporate taxes since 2002 in the UK.
Three prime reasons for the poor performance of Starbucks UK can be cited.
Starting with bad products - their coffee is barely better than the country's
worst coffeemaker, Costa, even though that British company paid corporate tax of
31.6% on $52mn profit as a result of $603mn in sales - the irrational expansion
of the past four years in the UK and the exorbitant "royalty fee" that Starbucks
UK has to transfer to the Seattle-based mother company. This "royalty fee",
nothing else but a tax-dodging instrument, is put at 6% of sales, instead of the
customary industry standard of 0.8-1.2 percent.
This puts the operating cost of Starbucks UK at $$637mn in 2011. That bill
is expected to top $670mn this year. The unsustainable expansion will lead to
what experts call "an uncontrollable shrinkage nand implosion" of the company
beginning in late 2013.
Criminal investigations have begun to investigate the elusive taxing
structure of Starbucks UK, in tandem with investigation over alleged utilization
of slave labour in China by Starbucks. It's green image in shambles, the dismal
quality of products and service is a foreboding of yet another corporate
Sunday, 14 October 2012
The successful return - little surprise as all things going up must come
down - to Earth for the thrill-seeking daredeviltry cannot obscure the fact that
people close to him have been put through hell for the six minute adventure. It
is difficult to fathom the sense and purpose of the jump from 24 miles (128,000 feet), the
beautiful view of the Earth's curvature aside.
We fell far short of the insane boldness displayed over the New Mexico
desert: our knees buckled at the foot of The Eye today.
(My London) Weekend 2gether + pics
Last night's chili fest turned out magnificently, thanks to the 20 chili peppers and the lovely party of 8 (that includes me). Accompanied by good wine and music the evening lasted from 7 to 2am. No casualties, no fracas, no left-overs.
Slow start this morning, we went over to Southbank to have brunch, bubblies included. I swear my eyesight improves significantly once I gulped down a flute of Bollinger.
Southbank was abuzz, even with a flair of luna park and the burlesque. From a distance, Emily pointed to the London Eye and the Phallic structure to its left, and wanted to take a spin with each. However, she changed her mind the closer we approached the wheel, and not only because of the waiting queue. The flimsiness and height made her stomach revolt and to my great relief she decided to "die another day."
<< More pics >> click below
Slow start this morning, we went over to Southbank to have brunch, bubblies included. I swear my eyesight improves significantly once I gulped down a flute of Bollinger.
Southbank was abuzz, even with a flair of luna park and the burlesque. From a distance, Emily pointed to the London Eye and the Phallic structure to its left, and wanted to take a spin with each. However, she changed her mind the closer we approached the wheel, and not only because of the waiting queue. The flimsiness and height made her stomach revolt and to my great relief she decided to "die another day."
<< More pics >> click below
Saturday, 13 October 2012
saVILE and the BBC
(rot in purgatory)
In his lifetime, Jimmy was a complete unknown outside the BBC1 broadcasting
area, for good reasons. Looking at him today, posthumously - I shudder with what
I call a "Hitler moment." It is that split of a second of shock and surprise how
a creepy looking cretin, with shrill voice and awkward spasm motions, ugly as
sin and shit for brains, could be allowed to rise to such prominence. Despite
the known and documented acts of viciousness, let alone of hardcore crimes, the
BBC provided a forum for the ostensibly retarded prick, and thought of the
geeky, klotzy idiot as a great entertainer.
We cannot pursue the perpetrator anymore. But the BBC's role in
facilitating the many crimes of SaVile needs to be brought to the fore, and
heads must roll. I hope that more victims come forward and sue the BBC for
amounts similar as in such cases in the US (there it was the Roman Catholic
Church, who so far has paid victims and courts nearly $1.4 Billion).
Friday, 12 October 2012
Piece of a prize for the EU
Dragging a continent down the path towards the abyss has been awarded with the 2012 Peace Nobel Prize. Recipient "European Union" is in good company with terrorist leaders previousy bestowed with the prize: Yassir Arafat and Le Duc Tho.
According to reports from within the Nobel Prize Committee, other contenders for this year's award were Julian Assange, Hugo Chavez, Pussy Galore, The Chinese Communist Party, Abu Hamza, Vladimir Putin and Big Bird.
The Oslo committee has made a mockery of the ideals of the award, and told the world this year's best joke.
However, I believe that it was a clever ploy by the Northeners: "We give you a prize, and you continue to leave us alone, and won't ask to dish out bail-out moneys from our $460 billion national reserve fund." After all, the Norwegians have built up reserves called SWF, Sovereign Wealth Fund; all three words are treated with disdain and resentment in Brussels, replaced with Annexing, Impoverishing and Deficit-Spending.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
"EURO's" Increasing Popularity
I feel tickled by the interest of a deputy of the German Bundestag (Parliament) in my blog, especially when the individual reads up on my comparison of J-C Juncker and former Iraqi (Dis)Information minister Comical Ali.
Chateau Euro By Details > Visit Detail Visit 35,560 | |||||||||||||||||
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Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Cameron Lists Utensils, Misses Damp Rag
The Prime Minister today missed a golden opportunity in his speech to the Party Conference to score a quick and cheap point with the populace.
In his otherwise drab sermon, Cameron listed a few prominent Tories and likened them to useful kitchen utensils. Boris Johnson was dubbed a mop previously, which caused the Mayor to return the favour and call the PM a broom (both come very handy in cleaning up after the mess Labour has created over a generation).
But the PM could have pointed out the usefulness albeit ill repute of a damp rag and, after a double-check on his AA provided magna carta, could have turned towards Brussels to let the audience know where to find one.
In his otherwise drab sermon, Cameron listed a few prominent Tories and likened them to useful kitchen utensils. Boris Johnson was dubbed a mop previously, which caused the Mayor to return the favour and call the PM a broom (both come very handy in cleaning up after the mess Labour has created over a generation).
But the PM could have pointed out the usefulness albeit ill repute of a damp rag and, after a double-check on his AA provided magna carta, could have turned towards Brussels to let the audience know where to find one.
EU calls Cameron's bluff
You have to laugh at anything Brussels emits these days, including this Hungarian paprika blast:
Brussels has fired a shot across the bows of Britain’s Conservative-led coalition government, saying it is increasingly concerned about attacks on core EU principles and threatening to take the UK to court if it fails to respect key elements of the bloc’s laws.
David Cameron’s decision to review and potentially curtail a longstanding right for EU citizens to live and work in the UK could also harm British business, the EU’s social affairs commissioner said. “There is no evidence that the workers who come to the UK are crowding out British workers,” László Andor told the Financial Times in an interview.
On a more serious note...
Brussels has fired a shot across the bows of Britain’s Conservative-led coalition government, saying it is increasingly concerned about attacks on core EU principles and threatening to take the UK to court if it fails to respect key elements of the bloc’s laws.
David Cameron’s decision to review and potentially curtail a longstanding right for EU citizens to live and work in the UK could also harm British business, the EU’s social affairs commissioner said. “There is no evidence that the workers who come to the UK are crowding out British workers,” László Andor told the Financial Times in an interview.
On a more serious note...
IMF calls for euro action to avert
global catastrophe
Risks to the global financial system have increased as capital flight threatens to tear the eurozone apart, the International Monetary Fund has warned.
Cameron: Dull Sermon for a Listless Conclusion
Cameron fails to mute chorus of discontent
The astoundingly dull and uninspiring address of PM Cameron to the
delegates in Birmingham inadvertently throws open the door to the contest for a
suitable successor.
His rhetorical brilliance was exhausted with the hollow exclamation that "Britain is the greatest country in the world." The audience remained visibly bored and unimpressed, for everyone in the hall knows that America is the greatest country in the world. Implicitly Cameron acknowledged Labour's 13-year term in governmentas preserver of "Britain as greatest country in the world."
Cameron has made clear yet again that he is of the calibre
of a junior minister in Whitehall, but unconvincing to lead Party nor
country. As flat-footed the delivery of his speech was, as ominous were the messages
contained in it. He will oversee the break-up of the United Kingdom, banks on
the construction of a fiercely opposed third runway of Heathrow, supported to
the end a treacherous yet aborted merger of BAE and EADS against better advice
of many, including this office, shrugs off serious warnings about the economy
from the IMF as recently as yesterday, evades the calls for a clear and viable
stand against attempts of the EU to undermine British sovereignty and showed
remarkable ignorance of challengers emerging around him.
He is the wrong man for the right time. The Party has several logical
candidates to succeed Cameron, from Theresa May, (once again) William Hague, Dr
Liam Fox, David Davies and - naturally - Boris Johnson. One scenario favoured by
me is that the Conservatives accept a care-taker leader and prime minister Liam
Fox, until the London mayor's term expires and Boris captures a parliamentary
seat in 2015.
With the prospect alone that Boris Johnson would become prime minister if
elected would boost the Tories' share of votes by 8-10 per cent in 2015.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Liam Fox: Rolling back EU
Dr Liam Fox, MP on Europe:
"Economic, not political Union"
The senior Conservative MP of Somerset-North and former Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox gave an interview today to BBC-4 while attending the Party Conference in Birmingham. Liam underscored his leadership position as champion of mainstream Tories, sometimes in clash with left-tilting David Cameron.
As Liam Fox addressed a packed Carlton Club fringe Monday evening on a mezzanine floor in the ICC in Birmingham, a round of loud singing broke out on the floor below. The Prime Minister had appeared at another reception, and guests were cheerily singing ‘happy birthday’ to him. As the PM celebrated his birthday, his former defence secretary was dispensing advice just a few metres above his head on what the Conservative promise on Europe should be in 2015.
Fox’s response was that he doesn’t actually hold a view on the issue either way, but that he feels that too often political debate is shaped by what those in power want to talk about rather than what voters actually want to discuss. He also asked for a more respectful tone of debate on the issue from both sides. But it’s interesting that he’s drawing a distinction between the actual principle of the policy and the reason it has been brought up.
"Economic, not political Union"
The senior Conservative MP of Somerset-North and former Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox gave an interview today to BBC-4 while attending the Party Conference in Birmingham. Liam underscored his leadership position as champion of mainstream Tories, sometimes in clash with left-tilting David Cameron.
As Liam Fox addressed a packed Carlton Club fringe Monday evening on a mezzanine floor in the ICC in Birmingham, a round of loud singing broke out on the floor below. The Prime Minister had appeared at another reception, and guests were cheerily singing ‘happy birthday’ to him. As the PM celebrated his birthday, his former defence secretary was dispensing advice just a few metres above his head on what the Conservative promise on Europe should be in 2015.
‘What I want is to see us keeping faith with the British people and I want to see us having a slogan at the next election which says ‘Back to a Common Market’, back to an economic and trading relationship with Europe that parks all the political interference in the running of our economy, our workplace, our legal system and all the other things that we don’t like.’Fox’s delivery was impressive and authoritative, statesman-like. He is clearly keen to forge a role for himself as a serious senior party figure shaping the debate from the backbenches while possessing a strong knowledge of the front bench. But what also struck me was how he managed to respectfully deflect two very passionate questions from anti-gay marriage campaigners who were very keen for him to promise that he would do everything he could to prevent the Prime Minister praising equal marriage in his speech tomorrow.
Fox’s response was that he doesn’t actually hold a view on the issue either way, but that he feels that too often political debate is shaped by what those in power want to talk about rather than what voters actually want to discuss. He also asked for a more respectful tone of debate on the issue from both sides. But it’s interesting that he’s drawing a distinction between the actual principle of the policy and the reason it has been brought up.
IMF vs London: Quip for Quack
The IMF often gets it patently wrong, as everyone knows all too well.
But when the folks from within the Belt Way 'over there' appealed today to PM Cameron to move to "Plan-B" to tackle the economic amnesia, Cameron, with paranoia maybe, suspected a "Plan-Boris" and quickly called for a "Plan-A+" instead. So many plans, so few men ...
But when the folks from within the Belt Way 'over there' appealed today to PM Cameron to move to "Plan-B" to tackle the economic amnesia, Cameron, with paranoia maybe, suspected a "Plan-Boris" and quickly called for a "Plan-A+" instead. So many plans, so few men ...
Boris Jolts Conference With Brilliant Speech
Mayor of London Boris Johnson has made his second triumphant appearance at the Tory party conference within 24 hours.
The Mayor of London was given a hero's welcome in Birmingham on Monday night and there was similar chaos as he arrived for his key speech today. Despite revelling in the attention, Mr Johnson insisted that he is completely loyal to the PM and praised him for taking "difficult decisions in difficult times".
Boris electrified the Party conference with a rousing speech of optimism, a "can-do" attitude of Britain and "magna carta" grasping education for all, including future prime ministers. The mix of humour, sarcasm for Labour, Olympian reminders of what Britain can achieve, specific plans for the future and visibly professed loyalty for David Cameron's government went down well with the captivated audience. With so much enthusiasm for him, and his graceful gestures to David Cameron ("Happy Birthday, Dave!") Boris Johnson appeared more premier league than ever before.
Earlier, David Cameron claimed that he does not envy Mr Johnson's "rock star status" as he was repeatedly asked if the adulation for his fellow Tory bothered him.
"Blond Mop" sweeps Tory Conference
William Shakespeare reports on Boris's
speech to yesterday's ConHome rally
"Casca; tell us what hath chanced to-day." (Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene 2)
"The Mayor of London blew into its conference in Birmingham, a hurricane of blond hair, media attention and other people’s speculation about his prospects of one day taking David Cameron’s job." (James Kirkup, Daily Telegraph)
"Why, there was a crown offered him: and being offered him, he put it by with the back of his hand, thus; and then the people fell a-shouting...he put it by once: but, for all that, to my thinking, he would fain have had it."
"His reception – in a city not noted for its Tory support – was more suited to a rock star than a politician, with crowds of passengers chanting his name at New Street station."
"Then he offered it to him again; then he put it by again: but, to my thinking, he was very loath to lay his fingers off it."
"At the conference centre, he was surrounded by a scrum of cameramen and photographers so intense that one was thrown to the floor and required medical attention."
"And then he offered it the third time; he put it the third time by: and still as he refused it, the rabblement hooted and clapped their chapped hands and threw up their sweaty night-capsand uttered such a deal of stinking breath because Caesar refused the crown that it had almost choked Caesar; for he swounded and fell down at it: and for mine own part, I durst not laugh, for fear of opening my lips and receiving the bad air."
"Mr Johnson insisted he had nothing but loyalty for Mr Cameron, paying extravagant tribute to the Prime Minister and his ministers."
"He fell down in the market-place, and foamed at mouth, and was speechless."
"But even as he played the loyal retainer, the mayor could not resist performing to the Conservative gallery with a declaration of support for selective education."
"Marry, before he fell down, when he perceived the common herd was glad he refused the crown, he plucked me ope his doublet and offered them his throat to cut."
"That was a far-from-subtle reminder of Mr Cameron’s still contentious decision to end the Conservatives’ traditional backing for grammar schools."
"And so he fell. When he came to himself again, he said, If he had done or said any thing amiss, he desired their worships to think it was his infirmity."
"Mr Johnson was addressing a rally of almost 1,000 Tory members who cheered his arrival and applauded a performance that also took in aviation policy, an economic recovery and the “terror” of French tax rates."
"Three or four wenches, where I stood, cried 'Alas, good soul!' and forgave him with all their hearts: but there's no heed to be taken of them; if Caesar had stabbed their mothers, they would have done no less."
Monday, 8 October 2012
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Birmingham: Let the show commence
The truth of the matter is - and the point of the confrontation - that
David Cameron in the past few days has shifted considerably to the centre and
mainstream of the Conservative Party, abandoning his flip-flops and LibDems
accommodating stance of the recent past.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
My London / Photo Series / 1
"My London"
The start of a sporadic series of pictures, one at a time, which I have taken in my favourite city.
Today's pic shows how terribly wrong things can get when you abuse London for an architect's self-promoting exhibitionism playground, regardless how ugly the result is to the public eye. The Albert pub near Victoria Station, sandwiched between modern day monstrosity.
The start of a sporadic series of pictures, one at a time, which I have taken in my favourite city.
Today's pic shows how terribly wrong things can get when you abuse London for an architect's self-promoting exhibitionism playground, regardless how ugly the result is to the public eye. The Albert pub near Victoria Station, sandwiched between modern day monstrosity.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Cameron, the Emperor's New Clothes
I shall remain mum on my source, but the exchange itself was funny indeed.
After Cameron's public humiliation by the hands of David Letterman, who dared to ask a British PM of the translation of Magna Carta and its meaning, and expected an answer, the Man who reigns in London made somersaults and rolled on the floor in a bout of hysterical bemusement. And who could blame him? After all, Cameron went to Eton and Oxford, supposedly had some exposure to Latin there, let alone basic English history lessons. As Cameroni himself stated, "I will need to do some homework with my son (age 11)." I can imagine who'd teach whom...
Said the man at City Hall: "I could have told them (CBS network), he'll never guesses that one right, and a guess it would have to be, with his knowledge base. I would have bet my hair he would miss, sporting a Jedward hairstyle at the Party conference if I had lost."
Now THERE's an image to drool over! And we agreed that Cameron was lucky that the flop happened in front of a US live audience, where the vast majority would have tipped on the name of some ice cream bar behind "magna carta."
I shall remain mum on my source, but the exchange itself was funny indeed.
After Cameron's public humiliation by the hands of David Letterman, who dared to ask a British PM of the translation of Magna Carta and its meaning, and expected an answer, the Man who reigns in London made somersaults and rolled on the floor in a bout of hysterical bemusement. And who could blame him? After all, Cameron went to Eton and Oxford, supposedly had some exposure to Latin there, let alone basic English history lessons. As Cameroni himself stated, "I will need to do some homework with my son (age 11)." I can imagine who'd teach whom...
Said the man at City Hall: "I could have told them (CBS network), he'll never guesses that one right, and a guess it would have to be, with his knowledge base. I would have bet my hair he would miss, sporting a Jedward hairstyle at the Party conference if I had lost."
Now THERE's an image to drool over! And we agreed that Cameron was lucky that the flop happened in front of a US live audience, where the vast majority would have tipped on the name of some ice cream bar behind "magna carta."
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Tonight's concert was absolutely brilliant. Tori's decision to add orchestra to her performance was an additional stroke of genius. Anyone who will not get her latest CD will have to struggle to remain on my pals list. Yep, she's THAT good!
“Don’t you want more than my sex?” is just one of many memorable lines on Tori Amos’ 1992 album Little Earthquakes, jauntily tossed off in the cabaret singalong “Leather.” But it encapsulates the challenge the singer-songwriter posed to the music world 20 years ago. It also was the first of 5 CDs I have gotten to-date, not counting the one on order: Gold Dust
Tonight's concert was absolutely brilliant. Tori's decision to add orchestra to her performance was an additional stroke of genius. Anyone who will not get her latest CD will have to struggle to remain on my pals list. Yep, she's THAT good!
“Don’t you want more than my sex?” is just one of many memorable lines on Tori Amos’ 1992 album Little Earthquakes, jauntily tossed off in the cabaret singalong “Leather.” But it encapsulates the challenge the singer-songwriter posed to the music world 20 years ago. It also was the first of 5 CDs I have gotten to-date, not counting the one on order: Gold Dust
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Labour weapons against muslim terrorists

The High Court will have to decide whether Abu Hamza and four other muslim cohorts should be allowed to continue their parasite lives in Britain because their animal rights have been violated. The five claim that they have been subjected to torture by sleep deprivation.
They might have a point: reportedly they were forced to listen without interruptions to taped speeches from Harriet Harman, Ed Miliband and Ed Balls every day between 8pm and 7am.
Garanča Mesmerizes Barbican Audience
The concert was simply magnificent. Elina and her husband, maestro Karel
Chichon with the London Symphony Orchestra, delivered a fireworks of alternately
accentuated finesse and emotional explosions that left the audience - me
included - breathless and on its feet with endless rounds of applause.
This woman is a world star of the opera scene. Watch out for years of
exciting and reverberating performances from this still young mezzo-sopranos. I
am going to look through her catalogue to-date and am sure to get CDs with
It's been a wonderful evening!
Glinka Overture to Ruslan and
Tchaikovsky Aria of Johanna from The Maid of Orleans
Massenet Meditation from Thaïs
Saint-Saëns Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix from Samson et Dalila
Saint-Saëns Bacchanale from Samson et Dalila
Gounod Plus grand, dans son obscurité from La Reine de Saba
Marquina España Cañí
Lope Gerona
Penella Pasodoble from El gato montés
Bizet Extracts from Carmeni. L'amour est un enfant de Bohême (Act I - First version)
ii. Prélude (Act I)
iii. Habanera (Act I)
iv. Entr’acte (Act III)
v. Séguedille (Act I)
v. Entr’acte (Act IV)
v. En vain, pour éviter (Act III)
vi. Entr’acte (Act II)
vii. Chanson bohème (Act II)
Tchaikovsky Aria of Johanna from The Maid of Orleans
Massenet Meditation from Thaïs
Saint-Saëns Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix from Samson et Dalila
Saint-Saëns Bacchanale from Samson et Dalila
Gounod Plus grand, dans son obscurité from La Reine de Saba
Marquina España Cañí
Lope Gerona
Penella Pasodoble from El gato montés
Bizet Extracts from Carmeni. L'amour est un enfant de Bohême (Act I - First version)
ii. Prélude (Act I)
iii. Habanera (Act I)
iv. Entr’acte (Act III)
v. Séguedille (Act I)
v. Entr’acte (Act IV)
v. En vain, pour éviter (Act III)
vi. Entr’acte (Act II)
vii. Chanson bohème (Act II)
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Starbucks, and their eyesore ubiquitous presence at every corner of London, has
become as annoying and irritatingly bothersome as did the "Golden Arches" of a
certain feed chain that serves indescribable junk. There is hardly a landmark in
the capital not tarnished by the logo of a greenish siren, whose breasts had the
nipples retouched so not to offend members of a Tea party or not to invoke
some insatiable appetite for lactose from maternal springs, nearby.
It irks me that the greenish company is obsessed with its image rather than
with the mission it pretends to propagate: to serve a basic, decent and
palatable liquid out of coffee beans. That mission is betrayed daily, with each
cup they dish out. No wonder they don't dare to set foot on Italian ground, for
there you get what coffee worshippers like myself are looking for. London is
blessed with many Italian and French coffee shops, that not only offer fabulous
coffee but cakes that actually do justice to the espresso, and provide a
Bohemian atmosphere to enjoy.
The practice of dispensing a despicable brownish liquid in the setting of a
wannabe-hippish outpost for followers of a tree-hugging cult should be torpedoed
by those of us with their senses still intact, both on the tongue and in the
head. Shun the starbuckers!
Ugly Scots: Scotching Nature
Scotland is known as the reservation with the world's ugliest indigenous
tribes. For centuries the tradition of "Scotching" - to put the head into
refuse, dirt or manure - has amazed visitors from all over the world. Scotching
is meant as a sign of atonement and to amend the conflict between nature's
beauty and the appalling unpleasantry of a Scotsman's looks. Usually such acts of
attempted remorse take between 2 - 6 hours, but reportedly isolated cases
around the coastal regions have lasted for even up to six days in the past.
The case in the picture above took place this week on Aberdeen's Justice
Street (!!) and involved a 51-year old native. A passer-by told onlookers, "I
walked around the corner and saw his walking stick on the ground and his bum
sticking out and said 'that's Willie'. Me and my pals tried to pull him out but
his ears were stuck."
It shows that Scottish aborigines recognize each other by their bum, call
it willie and sport ears big enough they could glide from the mainland to the Outer Hebrides.
Monday, 1 October 2012
BBB: Bubblies Before Boarding
The St Pancras champagne bar is a convenient assembly point from which one can literally drop from the stool into the train bound for Paris (Belgium is not a country, but also a destination).
The train ride (or is it "Ryde" in Eurospeak nouveau?) itself felt more like a walk on clouds thanks to the spiritual help Made in France, than the usual 'ride of the valkyries' between the two cities.
Between the three of us travellers the 'damage' remained within civil limits; this time.
The train ride (or is it "Ryde" in Eurospeak nouveau?) itself felt more like a walk on clouds thanks to the spiritual help Made in France, than the usual 'ride of the valkyries' between the two cities.
IKEA: Rather lose female shoppers than Saudi market

In the Saudi version of Ikea's annual booklet, all the women who appear in images featured in the catalogue in other countries have been removed via photo retouching. In the rest-of-the-world version of the Ikea catalogue, for example, a mother can be seen standing at a sink next to her child in a stylized bathroom. In the Saudi catalogue, however, there is no mother; the child stands at the sink alone. In another image, a woman and a little girl who appear to be studying in the Swedish catalogue have been completely removed from the Saudi version, leaving an empty room.
Ikea has even gone so far as to remove from the Saudi version of the catalogue the image of a female designer who helped design the company's "PS" line of home furnishings.
While refusing to comment on any company specifically, Swedish Minister of Trade Ewa Björling made no secret of how she felt about the images. "It's impossible to retouch women out of reality. These images are yet another regrettable example that shows we have a long road ahead when it comes to gender equality in the Arab hemisphere."
Attorney Claes Borgström, who served as Sweden's gender equality ombudsman between 2000 and 2007 also slammed Ikea's decision to remove women from the Saudi catalogue. "I think the Swedish business community should uphold existing ethical principles. You can't participate in the marketing and selling of goods in a way that discriminates against women in this way." According to Borgström, Ikea would be better off "abstaining from the [Saudi] market completely".
I have cut up my Ikea card - not a source of pride anyway - and will send
one half to Ikea.
EU Unemployment at record high

Across the wider 27-nation European Union, unemployment rose by 49,000 to
25.5 million people, Eurostat said, with the unemployment rate stable at 10.5%.
Compared with a year earlier, the unemployment rate rose in 20 countries, fell
in six and remained stable in the UK.
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