Château EURO
Friday, 14 December 2012
Friday, 7 December 2012
The latest unemployment numbers - best gauge for individuals' pain and hardship - paint two entirely different pictures:
The US economy is on a steady albeit moderate path of growth and, confirming the positive trend under the Obama administration, continuously falling jobless numbers. Despite the havoc of a major natural disaster on the East Coast, the November unemployment rate sank to a 4-year low of 7.7%.
Then there is this calamitous eurozone, the economic wasteland threatening other economies globally. The Brussels buffoons just can't get a grip on dismal economic performance - virtually no growth for the past 14 months, recession ahead for all of 2013 - and soaring unemployment numbers to levels not seen since World War 2, tendency rising to expected 13% within six months (some countries will see jobless numbers reach 26%, figures usually associated with states in Black Africa). Gloom and doom rules Europe, and aging colossus that once set out to become the world's #1 economic powerhouse; thanks to the Eurozone and the dimwits at the "EU" commission it resembles a desolate cloak room instead.
The latest unemployment numbers - best gauge for individuals' pain and hardship - paint two entirely different pictures:
The US economy is on a steady albeit moderate path of growth and, confirming the positive trend under the Obama administration, continuously falling jobless numbers. Despite the havoc of a major natural disaster on the East Coast, the November unemployment rate sank to a 4-year low of 7.7%.
Then there is this calamitous eurozone, the economic wasteland threatening other economies globally. The Brussels buffoons just can't get a grip on dismal economic performance - virtually no growth for the past 14 months, recession ahead for all of 2013 - and soaring unemployment numbers to levels not seen since World War 2, tendency rising to expected 13% within six months (some countries will see jobless numbers reach 26%, figures usually associated with states in Black Africa). Gloom and doom rules Europe, and aging colossus that once set out to become the world's #1 economic powerhouse; thanks to the Eurozone and the dimwits at the "EU" commission it resembles a desolate cloak room instead.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
"EU" Forewarned: Britain to Leave
Warning to "EU":
Britons reject current membership
A poll issued by the Observer today shows that 56% of British voters reject membership of the "EU" as a fall-out of years of disastrous impositions, interference and hostile legislation from the unelected "EU" commission. Only 30% want to remain in the "EU".
Asked about a possible joining of the eurozone - in itself a ludicrous suggestion - 82% of Britons said "Hell NO."
Britons reject current membership
A poll issued by the Observer today shows that 56% of British voters reject membership of the "EU" as a fall-out of years of disastrous impositions, interference and hostile legislation from the unelected "EU" commission. Only 30% want to remain in the "EU".
Asked about a possible joining of the eurozone - in itself a ludicrous suggestion - 82% of Britons said "Hell NO."
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Friday, 9 November 2012
In Euro-speak, "decision day" means that the day to put off a decision has
come, and the exercise can be repeated indefinitely, as witnesses to the last 8
"EU" summits can testify. No matter how urgent the issue, and how precariously
close to the abyss the bloc drifts, nothing seems to spur "EU" laggards (for a
more accurate word than 'leaders') into action. It haunts the "EU" today that
for many years, people with the "charisma of a damp rag and the posture of a
bottom-grade bank clerk" who have been admonished and eagerly whisked out of
their country of origin, have been unduly elevated to positions of seniority in
the "EU" - where demands of intellect, integrity and decency at home are
replaced with readiness to defraud, mismanage, corrupt and indulge in nepotism,
deceit and procrastination.
Now, in November 2012, we are no closer of tackling, let alone resolving,
the crippling financial crisis that has emerged already 4 years ago. GREECE has
been bankrupt for 2 years, yet the "EU" keeps siphoning taxpayers' funds and
delusional credit to the moribund nation. With irrational expositions of
principles, the eurozone manifestly refuses to throw out Greece for fear it
would trigger a mass exit of nations that should have never joined, and have
never been qualified under the rules of eurozone treaties. Instead, we hear the
daily threats from the "EU" and ECB elders, that European taxpayers will foot
the bill of "whatever it takes." What started out as a $150 billion problem in
2008 has grown into a self-declared readiness to shed up to $1.6 Trillion to
prolong the eurozone debacle.
Greece already in the deep end, Italy fast falling, Portugal & Spain doomed
Even staring over the cliff, the "EU" quacks buck obstinately to show
leadership for once. Instead they raise idle petty issues, such as bemoaning the
justified rebate to Britain. The idea in Brussels, Berlin, Rome and Paris is to
portray Britain as the villain of the "EU" and inflate the island nation as an
external threat to "us."
At the same time as Germany's Merkel serenaded her olive twig song in
Downing Street, she also sanctioned French-Italian efforts to strip Britain of
the annual rebate of £2.2 billion (already cut under Labour from £3.7bn). It
will not work, as Britain has veto power, and the veto threatens plans by some
to create a banking union which would severely impair economies outside this
envisaged union.
Two neighbouring words from German dictionary which describe "EU" denial
As the days of decision come and go in the self-castrated "EU," the Day of
Reckoning approaches fast. Greece is in a suffocating stranglehold thanks to the
"EU" yet even more austerity has been pushed through parliament on the direction
of Brussels and Berlin, the usual threats included. After a few hours of feigned
relief, first voices of pending doom arise. The German finance minister declared
today that it is "highly unlikely" that an urgently needed next tranche of
European taxpayers' funds will be transferred to Athens next week. Even with the
$244 billion already received in the past 18 months, Greece runs out of public
funds on November 15th and is in real danger to default on a $6.3 billion loan
repayment. I wonder how this will pan out next week...
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Barack Obama has been returned to the Oval Office for a second term. Winning 50.6% of the popular vote he has beaten Republican Mitt Romney (49.1%) by approximately 130,000 votes. However, the victory was more pronounced in the elctoral college, where the sitting president beat his opponent 332:206 votes, a significant margin of 126. In October I predicted that Obama would win by 145 votes, and that the Senate would be a deadlock of 50 seats for each party. But the Democrats managed to hold on to their majority with 51 seats, against the Republicans' 47 seats; two seats are being held by independents who lean to the left.
The House of Representatives remains solidly in Republican hands.
The House of Representatives remains solidly in Republican hands.
Monday, 5 November 2012
US 2012 / Last Prediction

You call the shots, try this link to make your own prediction:
Friday, 2 November 2012
In-Flight Safety
Air NewZealand has found the Holy Grail of on-board safety tips even I would pay attention to:
Monday, 29 October 2012
Anglochat chav reminder
In a rare reflection on the long shelved Anglochat memorabilia gallery, here's another jewel from the days I derided the AOL chavs on a daily basis. When desperate enough for bling and welfare check, even they fell on their wounded knees, held their greasy hands together and fell into a communal prayer:
Saturday, 27 October 2012
NFL Action in Londontown
GUYS, PUT YER HELMETS ON! Soccer plays 2nd fiddle this weekend as the capital is in the firm grip of NFL action. The New England Patriots will maul the St Louis Rams at Wembley on Sunday in front of the usual enthusiastic 84,000 fans to celebrate the event.
The city has already seen a Touchdown thanks to an Eli Manning's 4,000 mile throw back in 2002. His missile turned into steel and glass and is now known as The Gherkin, for some inexplicable reason. But that's just another of the many mysteries of London.
GUYS, PUT YER HELMETS ON! Soccer plays 2nd fiddle this weekend as the capital is in the firm grip of NFL action. The New England Patriots will maul the St Louis Rams at Wembley on Sunday in front of the usual enthusiastic 84,000 fans to celebrate the event.
The city has already seen a Touchdown thanks to an Eli Manning's 4,000 mile throw back in 2002. His missile turned into steel and glass and is now known as The Gherkin, for some inexplicable reason. But that's just another of the many mysteries of London.
Friday, 26 October 2012
US Growth vs EU Stagnancy
With yet a further sign that the US economy is on the mend, today's better
than expected growth of 2.0% of the nation's GDP validates the course of the Obama
Administration. The 3rd Quarter result also beats
the growth rate of 1.3% in the 2nd Quarter. Encouraging is the fact that the
growth was fuelled broadly based, with home construction, consumer spending and
car sales leading the way, more than offsetting the negative effects from the
drought in wide parts of the US.
This also bolsters my argument that Britain should continue to decouple
from the stagnant European economies and intensify economic ties with North
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Vote'12 - last call
VOTE 2012: After all that's been said and done ...
For me, the what I believed was a dismal record of President Obama, made
the incumbent the clear underdog against a yet to be determined Republican
contender back in January. Then came the crowning of Mitt Romney, and the race
suddenly became wide open again for me. The appalling course of impotence and
incompetence in the "European Union" during the past 2 years also helped me to
put the perceived failures of the Obama administration into perspective.
Strangely, the Democrat in the White House has actually shown remarkable
stewardship during the global financial crisis and - astounding for a man of his
youth and previous inexperience in government - calm yet swiftly acting
leadership in a world marked by chaos and panic from a slowly dying "European
Union." It makes Obama today the clear favorite to win re-election by a margin
that will surprise many. Obama's popularity in Europe is based on the relative
strength and leadership quality at play in America, compared to the listless
drift of the Old Continent towards the abyss.
I now expect Obama to win by a 4.5% margin of the popular vote, with a
majority of 145 votes in the Electoral College.
Back in January I also expected that the current 53:47 Democratic majority
in the US Senate would be reversed into a 2-3 seat majority for the Republicans.
Somehow I still hope for that, but it must not come at the cost of seeing a
nutter like Todd Akin be elected as Rep senator for Missouri, who fails on such
fundamental issues such as biology and reproduction, and what constitutes rape
and its consequences. Equally repugnant was the way how a distinguished senator
from Indiana, long-serving Richard Lugar, was ousted by the irrational Tea Party
wing of the Republican Party, a scary (and scare-mongering) fringe grouping on
the far right. I am inclined to wish upon the failure to reach a Republican
majority in the Senate after days of agonizing count and re-count of election
results in Indiana.
In the end I see a 50-50 balance in the Senate, a numerical deadlock that
VP Joe Biden will have to break on occasion. I do not expect a major change in
the Republican hold of the House of Representatives.
For those undecided I would seriously suggest to vote for Libertarian Gary
Johnson for president.
United Kingdom of Muppets
By all accounts Britain has currently the weakest pair of leadership, the prime minister on one side and the leader of the opposition on the other, in the nation's history. The unconvincing David Cameron, soon to be challenged as Conservative leader and PM and buffoon-like David Miliband as Labour leader, provide for the most mocked at set of clowns, and for the lamest, most uninspiring and aimlessly drifting duo in living memory. The ratings underscore the deficits: any number under 50 is bad.
Random Thoughts
A fat rat on Armstrong ban, a kangaruh court in Italy
The debilitated quip by the fat, self-inflated chief executive of the International Cycling Union, gender-neutral Pat McQuaid that "Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling. Lance Armstrong deserves to be forgotten in cycling," is as idiotic as the six-year jail terms handed out by an Italian court to scientists for "failing to predict the exact location, time and magnitude of an earthquake that left 309 people dead.
A fat rat on Armstrong ban, a kangaruh court in Italy
The debilitated quip by the fat, self-inflated chief executive of the International Cycling Union, gender-neutral Pat McQuaid that "Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling. Lance Armstrong deserves to be forgotten in cycling," is as idiotic as the six-year jail terms handed out by an Italian court to scientists for "failing to predict the exact location, time and magnitude of an earthquake that left 309 people dead.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Obama, after 3 debates
If one places enough value on presidential debates Mitt Romney had to win
all three of 2012 to pose as serious challenger to incumbent Obama. He failed to
achieve that sweep by miles. I have watched the last 2 debates, both clearly won
by the president. The first debate, by all credible accounts, has been a
disaster for Obama.
I take also consolation from the fact that Obama is on many issues to the
right of the (British) Conservative Party, making the choice for Obama just the
more palpably acceptable.
BA delay
Delayed; new departure 10:59 [not 11!] Sched. |
Flight No. |
Departing To |
Status |
Terminal |
09:50 | BA700 | VIENNA | DELAYED 10:59 | 3 |
Monday, 22 October 2012
Hostile Grounds: the "EU"
When you work for the British Government and have to embark on a mission to Brussels you cannot help but feel gratitude about the hostility thrown at you in the billion-dollar gravy-train corridors of the "EU." That was my experience last week and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The mission itself was successful: we ridiculed, tore apart and rejected the "EU" budget schemes as delusionary, out of step with reality and unacceptable.
It's anyone's guess what possesses the German chancellor to try to force
down enormous budget increases for the "EU" David Cameron's throat. While
Britain supports a reasonable 0.1% increase, the "EU" demands a 6% hike. And now
Merkel ups the ante for vulnerable Cameron: "Accept a German compromise (4.6%
budget rise) or I'll cancel next month's European summit talks."
Frau Merkel clearly over-estimates her sway in Britain. If David Cameron
signs up to the excessive budget plans in Europe, he'd be dead meat in London,
and out of his job. The "threat" of cancellation of a "EU" summit would also be
greeted in London with open joy and satisfaction. It will be fun to watch this
story to unfold in the coming days.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Starbucks: Brewing Crooks & Cooking Books
The Starbucks book value of $40bn is similarily absurd as the public offering price of Facebook shares suggested (fictitious value of $102bn with $822mn of annual profits). Little wonder that the UK arm of the dispenser of mediocre coffee made a loss of $53mn on $637mn turnover in 2011. The poorly run UK company recorded a loss in 8 of the past 10 years and paid a total of $6.2mn in corporate taxes since 2002 in the UK.
Three prime reasons for the poor performance of Starbucks UK can be cited.
Starting with bad products - their coffee is barely better than the country's
worst coffeemaker, Costa, even though that British company paid corporate tax of
31.6% on $52mn profit as a result of $603mn in sales - the irrational expansion
of the past four years in the UK and the exorbitant "royalty fee" that Starbucks
UK has to transfer to the Seattle-based mother company. This "royalty fee",
nothing else but a tax-dodging instrument, is put at 6% of sales, instead of the
customary industry standard of 0.8-1.2 percent.
This puts the operating cost of Starbucks UK at $$637mn in 2011. That bill
is expected to top $670mn this year. The unsustainable expansion will lead to
what experts call "an uncontrollable shrinkage nand implosion" of the company
beginning in late 2013.
Criminal investigations have begun to investigate the elusive taxing
structure of Starbucks UK, in tandem with investigation over alleged utilization
of slave labour in China by Starbucks. It's green image in shambles, the dismal
quality of products and service is a foreboding of yet another corporate
Sunday, 14 October 2012
The successful return - little surprise as all things going up must come
down - to Earth for the thrill-seeking daredeviltry cannot obscure the fact that
people close to him have been put through hell for the six minute adventure. It
is difficult to fathom the sense and purpose of the jump from 24 miles (128,000 feet), the
beautiful view of the Earth's curvature aside.
We fell far short of the insane boldness displayed over the New Mexico
desert: our knees buckled at the foot of The Eye today.
(My London) Weekend 2gether + pics
Last night's chili fest turned out magnificently, thanks to the 20 chili peppers and the lovely party of 8 (that includes me). Accompanied by good wine and music the evening lasted from 7 to 2am. No casualties, no fracas, no left-overs.
Slow start this morning, we went over to Southbank to have brunch, bubblies included. I swear my eyesight improves significantly once I gulped down a flute of Bollinger.
Southbank was abuzz, even with a flair of luna park and the burlesque. From a distance, Emily pointed to the London Eye and the Phallic structure to its left, and wanted to take a spin with each. However, she changed her mind the closer we approached the wheel, and not only because of the waiting queue. The flimsiness and height made her stomach revolt and to my great relief she decided to "die another day."
<< More pics >> click below
Slow start this morning, we went over to Southbank to have brunch, bubblies included. I swear my eyesight improves significantly once I gulped down a flute of Bollinger.
Southbank was abuzz, even with a flair of luna park and the burlesque. From a distance, Emily pointed to the London Eye and the Phallic structure to its left, and wanted to take a spin with each. However, she changed her mind the closer we approached the wheel, and not only because of the waiting queue. The flimsiness and height made her stomach revolt and to my great relief she decided to "die another day."
<< More pics >> click below
Saturday, 13 October 2012
saVILE and the BBC
(rot in purgatory)
In his lifetime, Jimmy was a complete unknown outside the BBC1 broadcasting
area, for good reasons. Looking at him today, posthumously - I shudder with what
I call a "Hitler moment." It is that split of a second of shock and surprise how
a creepy looking cretin, with shrill voice and awkward spasm motions, ugly as
sin and shit for brains, could be allowed to rise to such prominence. Despite
the known and documented acts of viciousness, let alone of hardcore crimes, the
BBC provided a forum for the ostensibly retarded prick, and thought of the
geeky, klotzy idiot as a great entertainer.
We cannot pursue the perpetrator anymore. But the BBC's role in
facilitating the many crimes of SaVile needs to be brought to the fore, and
heads must roll. I hope that more victims come forward and sue the BBC for
amounts similar as in such cases in the US (there it was the Roman Catholic
Church, who so far has paid victims and courts nearly $1.4 Billion).
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